LogixGRID | Logistics and Warehouse Automation Platform


Clobz Sales for sales force automation

A next generation solution to automate sales and other enterprise activities has been claimed to be the most economical solution to increase the productivity of the sales team. Clobz Sales Force Automation system helps to coordinate the interdependent activities of marketing, selling, and providing service, and the information that these systems contain can help senior executives make sales-related decisions.


Key factors

  • If in case a sales person gets intercepted at the last mile of buyer’s prospect then pro-eminent
    performance will be mandatory.
  • To potential customer’s ecosystems your service/product has to be relevant and co-exist with their
    existing system.
  • It is imperative to convey the same information to customers throughout the entire period of
    dealing. A single wrong information may affect the deal.


  • Clobz Sales Force Automation Software Run on Google cloud platform and Web application for
    Admins & Sales Managers.
  • Mobile App for Field Teams and All Reports Available on Google Maps.
  • Real-time Online customer support & Downloadable in Excel
  • Highly Scalable, Extensible and Affordable


features clobz sales


  • Mobile App for Sales Person for taking Sales Order
  • Track every visit made by Sales Rep
  • Submit expenses for approval. Take picture of receipt and upload against expense
  • In-built geo-attendance system
  • Do monthly or visit wise budgeting of your Sales Rep Send important notification to your sales team


  • Transparency in Performance Measurement
  • Amazing tool and easy to communicate
  • Helps capturing new market segments
  • Improve sale reps’ Rapport
  • Accelerates productivity
  • Enable to plan effectively & Cut Costs
  • Market research and forecasting
  • Build lasting relationship with clients
  • Make strong supplier connection
  • Track live order status



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Multi Platform

Support multiple platform – Android, iOS, BlackBerry

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Warehouse & Delivery Management System


Multi model logistics companies offer comprehensive logistics platform which are managed by a cohesive team represented by specialists from Supply Chain Strategy, Logistics Operations, Core Transportation, International Freight Management, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, 3PL, 4PL, Warehousing & Distribution, Project Logistics and Customer Relationship Management.

1. Business Challenges :

Companies often seek for adequate information of their stock in warehouse and without an appropriate system managing a large network of clients becomes harder and almost impossible.

Having excess load and variety of packages exterminate the visibility which leads to excess or unexpected shortage. Multi- model Logistics is the fastest growing business across India and rapid growth in business led to overwhelming flow of goods and quick transition which surely would require an automated system.

Excess inventory can decrease cash flow and turn up the warehouse issues. Insufficient warehouse space results redundant labor cost.

Ex: High selling products if lie in the back of facilities then company is likely to drive more than required if there is an optimized warehouse.

It’s common for warehouse workers to pass a pick ticket or other documentation through multiple hands. Picker will ask the checker to pass it but there is no one to pass it to the loader and so on.

2. How LogixGRID Addressed the Challenges?

Offered solution by LogixGRID to manage warehousing activities across all the way from stock receipt, storage, stock visibility, to monitor resources.

LogixERP software contains multi modules to manage entire logistics business, which can be integrated with mobility and other existing systems to provide the real-time information and complete visibility of warehouse.

Mobi-delivery application has been offered integrated with LogixERP for better delivery management including tracking of delivery person or vehicle and receiver’s e-signature while delivery. System avoided the delay access to information, missing or lose of shipments, late invoices and tracking shipments.

3. Benefits realized :

  • Continuous Improvement.
  • Transparency & Visibility.
  • Improved security and balanced inventory.
  • Optimized process and reduced operational cost.


logistics technology

Logistics operations are finding way to get streamlined and drawing a path of giving advance service, mobility solutions which count on wireless devices has turned to be eventuated towards success in logistics business however all the mobile applications based on cloud at its best to provide the real time information.

But many logistics companies who are still expecting a solution which can be affordable with advance technical facilities. The truth is logistics companies whether it’s a courier based or transportation or any cargo, for competition they fail to see the profit at initial stage of business which pulls down the interest towards business and they find traditional system left for them to retain their existing business. Logistics business is more of partnering rather than providing services alone to cater wide area and their business partners who either don’t communicate appropriately or incompatible to meet the demands results lose opportunities.

Over last few years, technological approach has been drastically changed, last decade back logistics used to be a service of minimum 6-7 days domestically which has been phenomenally reduced to a single day. Realizing real-time supply chain management and shipment visibility which was a part of dream. Let’s take a look at the trends of developing logistics subsequently.

1. Mobility solution is advancing rapidly :

Real time visibility is primary factor in Logistics business, second comes cost of service if any company has a control on these factors then that company will commit success for sure. Mobility solution has made it possible. New day’s technology improvised the solution module into a shape of mobile phone which has become more efficient in terms of mobility. When mobile devices are enabled with GPS system and camera integrated, service frequency becomes much faster and safe.

According to survey, after implementing mobility solutions company’s security has been improved by using handle held devices such as capturing information, allocating pick up, dispatching, delivering, bar code scanning from anywhere, shipment and fleet tracking, online reporting and route optimization.

Today the proposition is very affordable. Reason defines device cost has come down across the globe where supply chain mobility has placed. Achievements in mobility solution integrated with logixERP is taking place in the supply chain right now which allow track back to demanding and hyper-informed customers.

2. Cloud enterprise resource planning system :

Cloud was considered to be a marketing hype and not much of companies were interested in it. However, lately companies have started realizing the benefits that cloud products will bring to them. Cloud based logixERP offer benefits like Cost Advantage, Visibility into Cash Outflow, Quick Turnaround, Internal IT Operations Effectiveness etc.

Cloud products are giving company competitive advantages with their capability to analyse large data, communicate with multiple systems. As per the Study conducted by IBM. Companies adopting cloud products reporting nearly double the revenues and profit growth of those that are more cautious about using cloud.

Cloud promise a lot of innovation to Logistics industry. The Biggest advantage cloud products brings to logistics is “Connectivity”. Cloud solutions could bring full Supply-Chain to a single platform and easily take-away the chaos; manual intervention of multi-vendor/multi-department coordination. With Cloud the benefits are substantial. Cloud technology can enable better networking throughout an organization, as well as across supply chains. It can provide a higher level of connectivity and visibility – essential qualities for complex global operations.

3. Internet of things Associated with Logistics :

IOT in supply chain is a revolutionary innovation which is going to enhance productivity by gathering every object associated with supply chain including process, data, devices, sensors, people. Intellectual level of working will arrive through many ways when it takes place in SCM. It starts working from one end to another. IOT integration with LogixERP allows to automate the process and enhance visibility starting from warehouse to end user.

This changing scenario has been applied to enrich data and depth of intelligence, IOT helps in many ways such as :

  • Control in asset loss. Identify product issues and develop a solution.
  • Save fuel costs. Optimize fleet routes.
  • Ensure temperature stability.
  • Warehouse management. Monitor inventory to reduce out-of-stock situations.
  • Gain user insight. Embedded sensors provide visibility into customer behavior and product usage.
  • Training and development.

4. Augmented reality applied in SCM :

AR is technology that alters what the wearer sees in his/her reality by integrating with logixERP. Wearable AR technology has seen slower development and adoption. In the future, we will be seeing more of this technology in the workplace – with many AR commercial solutions already in development.

Let’s discuss how companies can apply augmented reality in supply chain. Here are some examples :

Order Picking : Traditionally, pickers receive a list of stuffs they are supposed to pick for an order by using an RF unit display or paper-based task list. With AR, the employee can keep his/her hands free to pick items also, as each item is picked, the technology verifies the correct product using bar codes scanner, and instructs the employee to the next most logical item to be picked. The employee can move faster, more efficiently and with greater accuracy.

Equipment Repair : AR can enhance employee knowledge and skills. If an employee needs additional guidance with repairs and the problem is beyond their capability, a more experienced person is called to come and do the job or train the individual to repair the equipment.

Safety & Quality : For quality control, a supervisor can see when an employee is fatigued and may not be accurately pulling defective material. Observations can be performed remotely to better analyse, document and improve processes without having to follow the employee, which may prove difficult in some environments. An employee could transmit video to their supervisor if they encounter difficulty so the supervisor could instantly see what the employee sees. Finally, it could be used as a monitoring system to drive employee accountability and identify opportunities for training and improvement.



Logistics process is typical yet can’t be ignored to have a concern of economic growth, if there is no logistics in the market business will get stuck. Essential elements towards country’s revenue generation will be stopped if transportation process cannot take place appropriately. Consumer goods and domestic trading cannot be a reason for provision of better life. Importing the goods and globalization should be inexpensive for people to access.

Logistics is likely to become an emerging industry in Africa having huge remunerative opportunities for Supply chain service providers across substantial infrastructure problems in the countries. Kenya and Nigeria’s logistics market is inclining towards high growth for reasons like high local trading, expansion and diversification of international demands by domestic consumers.

Nowadays logistics market with multiple players has become much competitive and it is no longer facilitated to buy the right goods at the right cost. Retailers must also get them to the right place at the right cost, in the right amount with the right operational costs. Doing this it necessarily requires an understanding of logistics and cost reducing IT solution that will allow you to deliver the goods to your customers most cost effectively.

For the first time report regarding Nigerian supply chain and specific data accumulation of logistics and transportation has been released in early 2016. Report contains target areas, economic performance of the logistics services, competition within logistics industry, logistics and supply chain volume and growth in domestic and international market. Report stated about identification of gaps for the improvement of logistics infrastructure and in this regards, the efficiency of the clearance process, time estimation of transshipment, freight cost.

1. Why struggling to incipient better supply chain system?

These high costs create significant impact on the people living in the region. The World Bank estimates that logistics cost account for 40% of consumer prices in East Africa that is figuratively 250 million people, many of whom are already living in severe poverty, who are paying more for food, household goods and healthcare products. Added to this are the large numbers of small business owners unable to grow their companies because of the high overheads connected with distributing or sourcing their goods.

Any companies based on services or products, transportation is necessary to expand but in these countries transportation has become biggest restrain towards the growth of business. Business can not expand because of no technical resources and high operational cost which results no internal growth in the country. Time is the biggest factor in transportation and logistics, giving less taking time service raise the demand of the service, its not like there is no demand from the side of country’s citizens. In an average it takes more than 6 hours to travel 100 KMs. E-commerce business has been emerging indubitably but only in urban areas increasing e-commerce demand has shown where as 46% country’s population is still reside in rural areas.

The biggest challenge of an average Supply Chain manager in Nigeria is the absence of data to work with. This had created a situation where they are left to the mercy of circumstances. Logistics is more about numbers than stories which makes data the king that makes it possible for managers to take good decisions. Data driven logistic systems bring several unique benefits for companies supply chain process as it enables organizations to fully understand their supply chain thoroughly and stay ahead of their competitors.

Eg: If any delivery is to be done across 5 KMs then transporters charge premium cost from the customers. E-commerce business also limited for specific regions, now if someone orders something worth of 5$ then delivery charge comes along with extra 4-5 $ thus it takes away the interest of people towards e-commerce business or any other transportation which results no trading and revenue. Transport companies can not assign delivery person to distribute goods for wide area because of less resources available and poor infrastructure.


2. Progress of rising opportunities :

East Africa is one of the fastest growing regions in the world. Some estimate that there is up to $68 billion of projects under construction in the region, ranging from civil engineering and infrastructure to resource development.

A new pilot program clears much of the red tape for companies bringing cargo in through the Port of Mombasa in Kenya. The port can now clear incoming cargo seven days in advance. The new program was created to increase efficiency at the port, and to support integration of the East Africa Community initiative, which aims to reduce cost and transit times for freight, and promote trade in the region.

Manufacturers should benefit the most from the program because they can clear their raw materials in advance, and haul them off immediately once they arrive at the port. Even if cargo isn’t picked up right away, the program awards domestic cargo four free storage days, and transit cargo nine free days.

The market is open for first movers who can navigate risk and nurture African talent. The opportunity is for those seeking to build long-term, sustainable businesses that bring world-class practices and adapt to local conditions. Africa’s requirement for logistics services and supply chain expertise is huge and growing every day.

A particularly surprising statistic is that Kenya is the third-largest emerging market air export trade lane by tonnage, exceeding not just its continental competitors such as South Africa and Nigeria.

With increasing scopes countries should bring up new technological resources and improve infrastructure which should include improved route mapping, warehouse management, fleet management including tyre management, vehicle tracking, fuel management, documentation and auditing, monitor shipment movement, live tracking, digital signatory receiving and confirmation, accounting, client care, on field delivery person automation.

Ex: South Africa has been ahead of Kenya and Nigeria in logistics industry because of implementing new generation technological solution and maintain a good infrastructure which help them to provide cost effective services.

Summary :

Kenya is among the top-four countries in Africa with the biggest economic growth promise over the next five years, a new survey of global logistics executives shows. The highest growth will be seen in Nigeria, Kenya, Morocco, and Uganda followed by south Africa. Among all African countries largest and most breakthrough in logistics market at worth of 3 billion $, will reach compound growth annually at a rate of more than 4 percent.