LogixGRID | Logistics and Warehouse Automation Platform


international messaging Sysytem

LogixGRID has integrated with Infobip messaging system for faster and clear communication among logistic business coordinates which is enabling international logistics and shipping business in today’s scenario. eCommerce business is growing and it would not be possible without such robust messaging system.

What benefits LogixGRID offers with such pre-integrated international messaging system?

TURNKEY OPT-IN, OPT-OUT SOLUTION : Customizable, automated opt-in, opt-out implementation, you’ll never have to worry about backend logic.

AUTO-RESPONSES : Easily configure auto-responses for your 2-Way SMS campaigns on both the keyword and number level.

Integration with BhashSMS


integration with Bhahmas

In this age of mobile revolution, it is extremely important to stay in touch with technology at all times. Indian logistics industry has been very competitive and everyone looks about giving value added or other better technological services, operational transparency is highly needed in this competitive market, letting customer know about each and every logistics activity seemed to be a revolutionary move and LogixGRID made it simpler with messaging service provider BhashSMS integration.

Bulk SMS are the fastest way for conveying information within groups to several members, just within seconds. However, with the ever so strict rules and limitations on messaging services, online bulk SMS service comes as a boon to all tech savvy individuals. With Bhashsms you can easily send SMS online to any mobile number in India using a very simple procedure.

How it can help you in LogixERP to improve communication with customer?

LogixERP is pre-configured with BhashSMS and Some of the main features are as follows:

  • Instant messaging to customer on Shipment Booking.
  • Delivery messages to clients.
  • Delivery scheduling to clients by messaging.
  • Promotional messages for offers.
  • Informative messages through LogixERP.
  • Multiple tracking status of shipment.


Integrated Logistics Software

Logistics industry- nowadays have been a rise demand of automated transport system to monitor and better organize huge number of vehicles. Organizations are likely to opt for GPS tracking to have minute to minute information of their vehicle moving to keep a trace of their drivers and shipments in the vehicle.

There are few key points where GPS system greatly reinforce the transport and logistics business –

  • Minimizing the risk of stealing or loss of shipments.
  • Reducing the fleet cost due to driving speed.
  • Instant assigning the vehicle.

Eg: LogixGRID offers GPS services which allow to grouping various types of vehicle separately and helps to sthe job tracke the nearby vehicle which covers closest distance and other such aspects. With this proper schedules can be made and transportation will be done on-time, leads to maintain business reputation among customers, also tracks and maintains every record which helps for future reference.

With GPS vehicle tracking system they can save huge money on fleet’s operating costs, replace erratic drivers and also they can reduce their overhead cost by eliminating under-utilized vehicle etc.

LogixGRID has integrated with Map My India to offer substantial features to the transport industry and vehicle owners. Now while tracking a shipment in LogixERP logistics companies can track the vehicle too and specifically can determine a shipment exist in which respective vehicle. LogixERP is able to generate report with most transparent data and ensure a real time delivery or movement of shipments.


Integrated Logistics Software

Logistics industry- nowadays have been a rise demand of automated transport system to monitor and better organize huge number of vehicles. Organizations are likely to opt for GPS tracking to have minute to minute information of their vehicle moving to keep a trace of their drivers and shipments in the vehicle.

There are few key points where GPS system greatly reinforce the transport and logistics business –

  • Minimizing the risk of stealing or loss of shipments.
  • Reducing the fleet cost due to driving speed.
  • Instant assigning the vehicle.

Eg: LogixGRID offers GPS services which allow to grouping various types of vehicle separately and helps to sthe job tracke the nearby vehicle which covers closest distance and other such aspects. With this proper schedules can be made and transportation will be done on-time, leads to maintain business reputation among customers, also tracks and maintains every record which helps for future reference.

With GPS vehicle tracking system they can save huge money on fleet’s operating costs, replace erratic drivers and also they can reduce their overhead cost by eliminating under-utilized vehicle etc.

LogixGRID has integrated with Map My India to offer substantial features to the transport industry and vehicle owners. Now while tracking a shipment in LogixERP logistics companies can track the vehicle too and specifically can determine a shipment exist in which respective vehicle. LogixERP is able to generate report with most transparent data and ensure a real time delivery or movement of shipments.