LogixGRID | Logistics and Warehouse Automation Platform


Middle East E-Commerce

The Middle East is the world’s leader in e-commerce expansion and generating logistics scopes over the years, it brags some of the most urbanized nations on the planet with the UAE, Kuwait and Qatar, all including on the planet’s 30 most urban nations. Most online customers, and for sure the greater part of the locale’s population dwell in Urban zones.

Few interesting points that will play a key role in promising the growth of logistics infrastructure in the Middle East :

  • The urban zones of Middle Eastern nations are home to probably the most exceptional infrastructure and logistics on the planet.
  • Middle East Government currently observe e-commerce as a gigantic open door for the economy and are investing vigorously in the advancement of further infrastructure to cater to more rustic territories. In spite of the fact that the bigger percentage of the population appreciates access to world-class logistics framework, this will enhance conveyance to the littler level of the population that lives outside the urban areas.
  • Saudi Arabia has created and introduced an across the nation conveyance framework that is geo-code based and best in class.
  • The Gulf Cooperation Council is taking steps towards duty and tax management across the member states. Currently, there is no VAT payable on e-commerce imports, but this is likely to change in the coming years, with proposals for VAT being considered. Additionally, duty thresholds vary from country to country.
  • Many areas see a pattern in the “click-and-collect” supply option, where online customers buy on the web and get the products in-store or at a convenient pick-up point.

How Technology is going to play a major role :

With all the development in the e-commerce and logistics industry in the Middle East, the noteworthy supporter of this is innovation, which has and is changing the logistics business at a faster rate.

From artificial intelligence (AI) to blockchain, and big data to robotics, logistics players are on a constant mission to understand and implement new and developing technologies in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

The logistics space is by and large altogether impacted by technologies like blockchain, AI, IoT and automation, requesting positive change across functions and across industry verticals.

Innovations, for example, IoT, machine learning and AI will additionally enhance and improve the procedures in the supply chain and logistics industries.

LogixGRID’s AI ready logistics software solutions are already the part of growth of the Middle East’s logistics industry. With presence in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and 5+ more countries, LogixERP is designed with a strong base and secure web interface on cloud which eases E-com workflow in regards of logistic activities associated with delivering the shipment and providing a transparent process to connect with the suppliers.


african logistics

As Africa has risen to noticeable excellence as an investment destination in recent years, so the job of transportation and logistics has gone up against more prominent criticalness. While some African nations tops the list for having E commerce Industry base and established transport and logistics area in Sub-Saharan Africa is seeking to set it on a standard level. With the introduction of digitization, mobile devices, blockchain, big data, analytics and cloud computing, Africa’s future of transportation can be brought to the survival phase with the adaption of these new developments at minimal cost.

1. Challenges: Africa’s vehicle and logistics infrastructure

There is a fast rising demand for the huge raw products accessible on the African continent. There are infrastructure boundaries to trade. It requires a generous amount of time and cash to cross borders and trade due to poor logistics and transport infrastructure. All this effects the delivery time and the fleet operation resulting in losses and slows the industry growth.

The warehouse management explicitly impacts the expense of doing business and the capability to compete and fleet management plays a serious role in managing maintenance schedules, everyday vehicle utilization and service routes.

2. Changes in African Logistics :

The warehouse & storage management is assessed to lead the African logistics industry in 2019. IoT plays a crucial job to improve network and automation, thus resulting in organizations using IoT technology to empower warehouses to be increasingly profitable and cost-effective. The execution of IoT technology for logistics management has helped organizations track material deliveries and monitor delicate merchandise to avoid losses as well as alleviate the dangers engaged with the transportation of materials.

African logistics companies have started adapting to ERP, WMS, TMS with IoT-empowered mobile devices intended to track inventory data, equipment and vehicles, enterprises can give their physical assets a digital touch, transportation and logistics warehouses can capture and share their information over the cloud, guaranteeing they have the correct items in the right place at the right time. With mobile scanners, PCs and RFID systems alone, organizations are gaining up visibility into their assets and better streamline tasks to keep their fleet moving.

3. How LogixGRID is part of the new age logistics in Africa?

LogixGRID offers a cloud ERP system with name LogixERP, which is a platform bundled with multiple applications to manage end to end supply chain, logistic companies meet every requirement for managing their business with Accounting, Delivery, Tracking, Vendor management, Invoicing, Tran shipment, Pickup, Vehicle management and load optimization and Integrated WMS. With more than 100+ happy customers across the globe and presence in Kenya, Egypt & Nigeria LogixGRID is helping the African Logistics industry to transform with the new generation Logistics, Transport & Warehouse Management Software.


AI Drivan

Current business scope in the manufacturing industry with respect to logistics has been seen still traditional in India. Over an industrial study it has found that manufacturer are still looking for an accurate solution to manage 3PL business and reduce cost of transportation. We will talk on the factors related to the transportation which effect on the final price of commodity. For each and every factors there are multiple approaches are introduced but practically all of them got lack in technological aspect. India is now at the phase of implementing technology to extend its manufacturing goods through a larger supply chain network across the world.

1. Challenges :

Our team conducted a live survey and multitude of visits in different manufacturing industry to study their dispatch planning, vehicle movements and delivery to the different corners of the country. What has been observed is manual records of data and planning of logistics results huge gap between production and dispatch of goods. Communication plays a big role when large number of consignments have to move from production plant to different warehouses and finally distribution to the outlets. Majorly manufacturers rely on third party logistics vendors for different locations delivery and here is first challenge arise for manufacturers to select the compatible vendors who are able to cater the expected locations, since there is no networking between the logistics vendors, manufacturers urge to select multiple vendors segregate delivery region wise and it’s unfortunate that in India still manufacturers are seeking for a solution to hold onto this part for streamlining the sales and delivery fulfillment ratio at the accurate time.

(a) For such diversified logistics network do manufacturers have any such platform where they can manage all the vendors, analyze their performance and transparent communication?

Once shippers or manufacturers are ready with dispatch planning they are required to connect their respective logistics vendors to bring those consignments at the warehouse for secondary delivery to the selling points. Multiple logistics vendors take part in this and there is no monitoring system to strict the rule of faster vehicle assigning and vehicle inspection which results delay in dispatch and reduce the shelf life of product value and increase the cost of the same product. Many countries like United States, United Kingdom have implemented RFID tags and block-chain technologies just to sort the movement of vehicles inside the production plant starting from vehicle weighing and docking of vehicles for loading. Huge queue of vehicles outside every factories waiting for their turn of loading, drivers life is degrading, poor inspection of vehicles and documentation.

(b) Why manufacturers still don’t have an appropriate system of communicating logistics vendors and assigning their vehicles and releasing them at the accurate time?

Pain area for manufacturers when they don’t know what is the capacity of a vehicle and how much what number of vehicles they would exactly require for loading. No sorting of goods placement inside the vehicle results minimum utilization of fleets. Once vehicle is out of the plant manufacturers seem to be blind on that because of no trace of that vehicle. Logistics vendors update about unreasonable detention and DEPS and it continues mess with the invoice submission and accounting.

(c) Why manufacturers can not have a system which can compute the loading, optimize vehicle wise and produce daily report of vehicle utilization to improve process flow, a system which can tell them the current time and location of vehicles and automatically update the delivery to minimize the detention and streamline invoice accounting?

It needs to create a process flow to study the current sales and forecasting sales, production counts and prepare a daily dispatch plan according to that. A network of connective logistics vendors and intimate the requirement to them with an interval prior to dispatch day. A smooth bridge to run all the vehicles to provide the loads through an appropriate funnel and finally a system to do all these activities automatically which weights the vehicle, inspect, approve for loading and keep the entire process healthy till vehicle arriving at the destination. A smart system which can guide the driver throughout their trips. Technology which simultaneously communicate with the shippers and logistics vendors about the vehicle reach and suggest the same for next trip. Eventually system gets to know the complete expense of that trip and help in invoice validation and process accordingly to avoid conflicts between shippers and logistics vendors.

2. Success Story :

LogixGRID presents Logix Network, India’s First AI Driven Platform to Manage Primary and Secondary Logistics For Manufacturers. Logix Network offers complete vehicle allocation vendor wise and Artificial Intelligence compute the area required to deliver the number of products, where shippers exactly get to know how many vehicles required for specific set of products or sales order or invoices with a complete visual tracking system to calculate the time of arrival and minimize detention. Logix Network Artificial Intelligence verify the invoice amount and identify the variance and even auto communicate to the account team where invoice validation and approval become facile and trouble-free. A system which is demanded by major manufacturing leaders in India on the day of its release. This system is more of concepts driven by Artificial intelligence and block-chain technology for data management. This system corporate with the major telecom leaders, pre-integrated with the GPS device providers and other ways of providing tracking system. Its Artificial Technology is in rapid phase of improving to suggest business prospects and interactive to the users.

صناعة اللوجستيات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

على الرغم من وجود مواقف اقتصادية غير مؤكدة وانخفاض أسعار النفط عما كان عليه قبل السياسات الحكومية والاستثمار لتطوير البنية التحتية وتنمية مصادر أخرى ، فمن المتوقع أن يؤدي ذلك إلى طفرة اقتصادية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

يمكن لأنشطة اللوجستيات والدعم المخصص في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي معاً أن تؤدي إلى تنسيق جيد وشبكة لوجستية إقليمية متكاملة في جميع أنحاء منطقة شرق آسيا.

أصبحت المطارات وغيرها من المناطق الساحلية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة واحدة من أهم المراكز اللوجستية في العالم. تتواصل المنطقة الغربية والشرقية عبر موانئ دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في الغالب ، وتجري التجارة الأوروبية – الآسيوية على نطاق أوسع عبر المنطقة.

يبدو أن حكومة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة مهتمة للغاية بالاستثمار في معرض EXPO 2020 ، وهذا أمر يستحق الاستثمار والذي يمكن أن يكون فرصة أساسية لنمو صناعة الخدمات اللوجستية.

وبما أن أسعار النفط انخفضت نسبياً ، فإن الحكومة تعزز البنية التحتية وتتوقع أن تكون العائدات مدفوعة بتوسيع أنشطة البناء وتحديث نظام اللوجيستيات والقطاعات الاقتصادية غير النفطية الأخرى.

كونها عضوا في مجلس التعاون الخليجي (GCC) ، يمكن للسياسة التجارية الإقليمية وممرات النقل في المنطقة الاستفادة من دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وبصرف النظر عن الخدمات اللوجستية الدولية ، ومن المتوقع أيضا أن يقود النقل الداخلي.

قليل من الانجرافات الرئيسية التي تم رصدها في صناعة الخدمات اللوجستية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة :

  • التنويع الاقتصادي.
  • البناء الحديث.
  • زيادة مستوى التصدير.
  • زيادة التجارة الإقليمية.
  • اللوجستية نموذج متعدد.
  • توسيع شبكة المطار والسكك الحديدية.
  • تنسيق اللوائح المخصصة.
  • زيادة قطاع الخدمات.

بخلاف النفط ، تألف الناتج المحلي الإجمالي لدولة الإمارات من عدة قطاعات مثل تجارة التجزئة ، والخدمات اللوجستية ، والسياحة ، والعقارات ، والطاقة بنسبة 12٪ ، 8٪ ، 9٪ ، 22٪ ، 31٪ على التوالي.

مع انخفاض أسعار النفط عالمياً بالقرب من حوالي 60-70٪ في نهاية عام 2014 ، شعرت شركات النفط في جميع أنحاء العالم بالتأثير على التجارة وفرص الفرد من الدخل ، بقيت الإمارات العربية المتحدة واحدة من هذه لكن الحكومة الإماراتية فرضت سياسات إيجابية من أجل النظرة العامة والاقتصادية للدولة. ساعد على تحييد تأثير انخفاض أسعار النفط على قطاعات أخرى شاملة.

في السنوات القليلة الماضية ، نمت صناعة البناء في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بسرعة إلى دولة معينة أن الشركات الصغيرة التي بدأت مع البلاط ، والرخام ، وكتل البناء الآن الشركات نفسها تشارك في تصنيع وعملية البناء الكبيرة. لقد تحسن مستوى الصادرات تدريجيا من مواد البناء وترتبط جميع البلدان المجاورة في نفس الصدد الذي تقدمت أيضا السياحة ووجود الشركات بشكل هائل في الرؤية العالمية.

أدت السياسة التجارية الإقليمية والعلاقات الحكومية بين الإمارات والمملكة العربية السعودية عن كثب إلى زيادة معدل الاقتصاد والربط التجاري. وتبدي الدول التي لها عضوية في مجلس التعاون الخليجي اهتمامًا مستمرًا لتعزيز المطالب المحلية وتعزيز السياسات التجارية الثنائية.

استثمرت الإمارات أكثر من 25 مليار دولار لبناء البنية التحتية للسكك الحديدية التي رفعت مصادر متعددة لإيرادات الدول المتعدّدة ، ومن بينها الخدمات اللوجستية. تبلغ مساهمة قطاع الخدمات اللوجستية حوالي 8٪ ومن المتوقع أن تنمو بنحو 23٪ بحلول عام 2020.

تم تصميم بنية السكك الحديدية بطريقة تسمح بتوصيل جميع أجزاء الإمارة ببعضها البعض وتعزيز الاتصال الداخلي. 11 مليار دولار تم تخصيصها بالفعل لسكك الاتحاد للطيران حيث صادقت إدارة أبو ظبي على ميزانية تبلغ 8 مليارات دولار للمترو و DUBAI ووافقت على حوالي 2 مليار دولار لمشروع اتصالات الترام والمترو.

إن الوضع التجاري الإقليمي المخطط له في دبي وزيادة البناء الحديث سيعكس بالتأكيد صورة جديدة للنمو العفوي للأعمال اللوجستية.

نمو الخدمات اللوجستية تنفيذ نمو التكنولوجيا ، وشركات الخدمات اللوجستية المشكلة الجديدة ونهج الحكومة لتحديث التكنولوجيا في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تجاه العديد من البلدان حقق نموا ناجحا بسرعة.

في شنغهاي عام 2010 ، كان عدد الزوار الدوليين حوالي 6 ٪ وفي 2015 من المتوقع أن تجذب إيطاليا أكثر من 30 ٪ وفي عام 2020 من الواضح أن تحدي دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة لا يقل عن 40 ٪.

بعد مساهمة الحكومة المخلصة ، وتوسيع نطاق التحضير والاستثمارات الضخمة بمليارات الدولارات من قبل الصناعات ، فإن هذا يظهر أن دولة الإمارات هي نقطة ناشئة للخدمات اللوجستية في المستقبل القريب ، وبالنسبة للأعمال الصغيرة إلى المتوسطة ، فإنها تشبه فرصة ذهبية للاستثمار في قطاع الخدمات اللوجستية.

تعتبر المنصة القائمة على الحوسبة السحابية المدمجة مع الواقع المعزز وأحدث نظام لوجستي متعدد الأنظمة في العالم “LogixERP” ومنصات التنقل ، شرطًا أساسيًا للغاية لصناعة النقل والإمداد في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

توصية: LogixERP سحابة نظام النقل والإمداد للأعمال اللوجستية الدولية.


phillppine logistics

Logistics and transportation is a highly emerging industry in Philippines and governing body is putting its effort to hold on to it. Comparing to other south east Asian countries Philippines has the slow pace of growth and becoming less competitive and missing opportunities of global business. What else Logistics industry and their governing body should do in Philippine to meet the global logistics opportunities?

In Philippine, logistics costs is around 24% to 53% of wholesale prices, with shipping and port handling costs touching up to 8% to 30%, based on the goods and routes, and 5% to retail price of all products.

The Philippine government planned to create more efficient transport and logistics management system in 2015- 2016, where they included a government body for supply chain and highlighted key points. Let’s oversee and know the status of those highlighted points –

The government announced that it has planned Logistics Industry Roadmap, which proposes the creation of a government body on supply chain and logistics, was in its final stages. In 2018 its almost done and great amount of enhancements for ASEAN logistics is needed.

The government body on supply chain and logistics will coordinate all initiatives related to the supply chain and to follow through on implementation and compliance of policies.

Infrastructure and technology development initiation in the country to improve logistics operation and facilitate quick services internationally.

Government concluded with saying, efficient transport and logistics system can better serve the international market, raise the country’s competitiveness, and enable local industries to take full advantage of a healthy economy.

1. We will discuss about the challenges :

It is interesting to note that the International Labour Organization (ILO) in their 2014 report on unemployment rates, correlates very well with logistics cost. The Philippines had the highest unemployment rate (excluding underemployment) in Asian at 7.3 percent and also had the highest logistics cost at 27.16 percent.

The Philippines road network permit to reach most part of the country; however, the major infrastructures are still all around the capital Metro Manila. As the large majority of the bit metropolis of Southeast Asia (Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh or Bangkok) Manila has a massive traffic problem.

2. What can be done with Technology?

To maintain global logistics and next generation logistics services like – same day delivery, last mile delivery, transparency, 3PL, international logistics, multiple carrier engagement and overseas transportation, technology is the tool which should be on the top of the prior list for logistics business.

Today’s technology like Smart logistics which offers IOT, Block Chain, Artificial intelligence is taking place to revolutionize the entire logistics business beside GPS, web and cloud services.

Price may remain a big challenge for small and medium logistics/ transport and courier companies to implement such technologies but they even can start with cloud and other web services which can cover up the whole operation and serve efficient business.


smart logistics next Generation

Smart logistics is the patented solution involving automating the transshipment process and hub operation. Which defines various aspects of logistics activities such as inbound process, allocation in the warehouse, scanning and loading for outbound process.

  • Tractability of transactions
  • Better collaboration
  • Increased efficiency
  • Improved resource usage

Smart logistics make logistics activities possible in such way that each and every information starting to end can be traceable, multiple technology like Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, radio frequency identification, block chain technology can be used for different purpose. However basic concept of scanning the whole vehicle in the hub and vehicle wise shipments verification while inbound shipment process and once vehicle is identified with all the shipment.


international messaging Sysytem

LogixGRID has integrated with Infobip messaging system for faster and clear communication among logistic business coordinates which is enabling international logistics and shipping business in today’s scenario. eCommerce business is growing and it would not be possible without such robust messaging system.

What benefits LogixGRID offers with such pre-integrated international messaging system?

TURNKEY OPT-IN, OPT-OUT SOLUTION : Customizable, automated opt-in, opt-out implementation, you’ll never have to worry about backend logic.

AUTO-RESPONSES : Easily configure auto-responses for your 2-Way SMS campaigns on both the keyword and number level.

Integration with BhashSMS


integration with Bhahmas

In this age of mobile revolution, it is extremely important to stay in touch with technology at all times. Indian logistics industry has been very competitive and everyone looks about giving value added or other better technological services, operational transparency is highly needed in this competitive market, letting customer know about each and every logistics activity seemed to be a revolutionary move and LogixGRID made it simpler with messaging service provider BhashSMS integration.

Bulk SMS are the fastest way for conveying information within groups to several members, just within seconds. However, with the ever so strict rules and limitations on messaging services, online bulk SMS service comes as a boon to all tech savvy individuals. With Bhashsms you can easily send SMS online to any mobile number in India using a very simple procedure.

How it can help you in LogixERP to improve communication with customer?

LogixERP is pre-configured with BhashSMS and Some of the main features are as follows:

  • Instant messaging to customer on Shipment Booking.
  • Delivery messages to clients.
  • Delivery scheduling to clients by messaging.
  • Promotional messages for offers.
  • Informative messages through LogixERP.
  • Multiple tracking status of shipment.


Integrated Logistics Software

Logistics industry- nowadays have been a rise demand of automated transport system to monitor and better organize huge number of vehicles. Organizations are likely to opt for GPS tracking to have minute to minute information of their vehicle moving to keep a trace of their drivers and shipments in the vehicle.

There are few key points where GPS system greatly reinforce the transport and logistics business –

  • Minimizing the risk of stealing or loss of shipments.
  • Reducing the fleet cost due to driving speed.
  • Instant assigning the vehicle.

Eg: LogixGRID offers GPS services which allow to grouping various types of vehicle separately and helps to sthe job tracke the nearby vehicle which covers closest distance and other such aspects. With this proper schedules can be made and transportation will be done on-time, leads to maintain business reputation among customers, also tracks and maintains every record which helps for future reference.

With GPS vehicle tracking system they can save huge money on fleet’s operating costs, replace erratic drivers and also they can reduce their overhead cost by eliminating under-utilized vehicle etc.

LogixGRID has integrated with Map My India to offer substantial features to the transport industry and vehicle owners. Now while tracking a shipment in LogixERP logistics companies can track the vehicle too and specifically can determine a shipment exist in which respective vehicle. LogixERP is able to generate report with most transparent data and ensure a real time delivery or movement of shipments.


Integrated Logistics Software

Logistics industry- nowadays have been a rise demand of automated transport system to monitor and better organize huge number of vehicles. Organizations are likely to opt for GPS tracking to have minute to minute information of their vehicle moving to keep a trace of their drivers and shipments in the vehicle.

There are few key points where GPS system greatly reinforce the transport and logistics business –

  • Minimizing the risk of stealing or loss of shipments.
  • Reducing the fleet cost due to driving speed.
  • Instant assigning the vehicle.

Eg: LogixGRID offers GPS services which allow to grouping various types of vehicle separately and helps to sthe job tracke the nearby vehicle which covers closest distance and other such aspects. With this proper schedules can be made and transportation will be done on-time, leads to maintain business reputation among customers, also tracks and maintains every record which helps for future reference.

With GPS vehicle tracking system they can save huge money on fleet’s operating costs, replace erratic drivers and also they can reduce their overhead cost by eliminating under-utilized vehicle etc.

LogixGRID has integrated with Map My India to offer substantial features to the transport industry and vehicle owners. Now while tracking a shipment in LogixERP logistics companies can track the vehicle too and specifically can determine a shipment exist in which respective vehicle. LogixERP is able to generate report with most transparent data and ensure a real time delivery or movement of shipments.