Mobility Solutions for
Future-Ready Logistics

Designed to excel across diverse mobility platforms, Logix Mobile apps empower your business to stay seamlessly connected and conduct operations from anywhere.

Mask Group 3@2x


Group 45309@2x


Group 45289@2x


Group 45314@2x

Generang and Smulang Real-Time Product Demands

Enable logiscs companies to swily respond to demand surges, reducing errors and improving services.

Group 45313

Efficient Data Handling

Mobile apps for logiscs provide device-agnosc data, empowering decision-makers with key insights for connuous improvement.

Group 45312

Leveraging Mobility for Performance Improvement

Enhanced visibility through mobility helps idenfy gaps, communicate delays, and address inventory issues in real-me.

Group 45311@2x

Making Way for Future Technologies

Mobility soluons pave the way for IoT integraon and sensor use in the logiscs.

Group 45318

Meeng Customer Expectaons

Customers benefit from real- me shipment tracking and improved experiences with 24/7 accessibility.

Group 45317@2x

Eliminang Paper Traces

Mobile fleet management reduces administrave stress, streamlines communicaon, and enhances operaonal efficiency.

Group 45316

Opmizing Data Traceability

Logiscs service providers use mobile apps for track and trace services, extending to industries like aviaon for efficient fleet management.

Group 45315@2x

Eliminang Data Redundancy

Mobile app reduces data redundancy by reflecng data in real-me, eliminang human errors, and ensuring data reliability throughout the process.

Logix Mobile Apps


Matrix App

An advance applicaon to manage your first mile, middle mile and last mile along with warehouse operaons.

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Konnect App

Enhancing Customer Experience


Neo App

Mobility Soluon for On-Demand Logiscs