Why integrating a WMS (Warehouse Management System) is crucial for modern businesses

Why integrating a WMS (Warehouse Management System) is crucial for modern businesses

Integrating a Warehouse Management System (WMS) is crucial for modern businesses because it can significantly improve operational efficiency, accuracy, and overall customer satisfaction. especially those that deal with large volumes of inventory or have complex supply chain operations. A WMS can help businesses optimise their warehouse operations and streamline their inventory management processes, resulting in improved operational efficiency, accuracy, and overall customer satisfaction. Here are some reasons:

Here are some of the ways sustainability is impacting logistics and eCommerce:

1. Inventory Management:

A WMS helps businesses manage their inventory more efficiently by providing real-time visibility of stock levels, locations, and movements. This information helps businesses optimise their inventory levels, reduce waste and improve accuracy. By providing real-time inventory information, a WMS can help businesses fulfil orders more efficiently. This reduces the risk of stockouts and overstocks, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

2. Order Fulfilment:

A WMS streamlines the order fulfilment process by automating the picking, packing, and shipping of orders. This reduces errors, improves accuracy, and speeds up the delivery time. A Warehouse Management System (WMS) can play an important role in order fulfilment by providing real-time inventory information, optimising order picking routes, and automating many order fulfilment tasks.

3. Labor Management:

A WMS helps businesses manage their labour more efficiently by providing real-time visibility of workloads and resource allocation. This enables businesses to optimise their labour utilisation, reduce labour costs, and improve productivity. Labor management refers to the process of managing and optimising the workforce in a warehouse or distribution centre. It involves tasks such as scheduling, time and attendance tracking, performance management, and training.

4. Customer Satisfaction:

A WMS can improve customer satisfaction by providing accurate and timely information about order status, delivery times, and inventory availability. This information helps businesses provide better customer service and improve customer retention.WMS Plays a very imperative role in improving customer satisfaction by providing accurate and timely information about order status, delivery times, and inventory availability.

5. Cost Savings:

A WMS can help businesses reduce their operational costs by optimising inventory levels, reducing labour costs, and improving efficiency. This results in cost savings that can be reinvested in other areas of the business. Firstly, by optimizing inventory levels, businesses can avoid overstocking and understocking of products, which can lead to significant cost savings. This is because overstocking ties up capital in excess inventory and can result in unnecessary expenses such as storage and handling costs, while understocking can lead to lost sales and customer dissatisfaction.

6. Increased Efficiency:

A WMS can streamline warehouse operations by automating processes such as receiving, put-away, picking, packing, and shipping. This can reduce the time and effort required for manual tasks, which can lead to faster order processing and improved customer satisfaction. A WMS can automate the receiving process by scanning barcodes or RFID tags on incoming items, verifying quantities, and updating inventory records.


Integrating With LogixWMS is crucial for modern businesses as it can improve operational efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. By automating warehouse processes, providing real-time visibility into inventory levels, and optimising resource allocation, a WMS can help businesses improve their overall operations and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. WMS can help automate warehouse processes, reduce errors, and provide real-time inventory visibility, which can help businesses optimise their warehouse operations and improve customer satisfaction.Additionally, LogixWMS can provide businesses with Logix Platform to manage their warehouse operations, allowing for better resource allocation and improved decision-making.

Why Every Warehouse Needs Mobility Solution in 2023

The Impact of Sustainability on Logistics and eCommerce

Today, customers expect warehouse operations to be more efficient and effective as a way to provide competitive pricing and reduce errors. While the battle for efficiency is an endless race, logistics technology solutions like mobile scanning hold an essential place in the efforts of meeting customer expectations.

In the past few years, the use of mobile scanning technology has become increasingly common in warehouses. This technology is now an essential tool for modern warehouses that want to optimise their processes and stay competitive. Here, we will explore the reasons why every warehouse needs mobile scanning in 2023.

1. Increased Efficiency:

Mobile scanning allows warehouse workers to quickly and accurately scan barcodes and RFID tags on inventory items using handheld devices. This saves time and reduces errors compared to manual methods, such as writing down inventory numbers on paper or using stationary scanners. With mobile scanning, users can quickly capture and process data on the go, without needing to carry bulky scanning equipment or wait until they are back in the office.

2. Real-time inventory tracking:

Real-time inventory tracking through mobile scanning is a popular solution for businesses that need to keep track of their inventory in real time. This method involves using mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, to scan barcodes or QR codes on inventory items and instantly update inventory records. Mobile scanning enables warehouses to track inventory in real time, giving them an accurate picture of inventory levels and locations. This helps warehouses make better decisions about inventory management, such as when to order new stock or when to move items to different locations.

3. Improved accuracy:

Mobile scanning technology allows for quick and accurate barcode scanning, which is useful in industries such as retail, warehousing, and logistics. Barcode scanning ensures that the right products are delivered to the right locations, reducing errors in inventory management and supply chain operations. With mobile scanning, warehouse workers can scan items from any angle and in any lighting conditions, reducing the chances of errors or missed scans. This helps ensure that inventory records are accurate and up-to-date, which is essential for efficient operations.

4. Improved accuracy:

Mobile scanning technology allows for quick and accurate barcode scanning, which is useful in industries such as retail, warehousing, and logistics. Barcode scanning ensures that the right products are delivered to the right locations, reducing errors in inventory management and supply chain operations. With mobile scanning, warehouse workers can scan items from any angle and in any lighting conditions, reducing the chances of errors or missed scans. This helps ensure that inventory records are accurate and up-to-date, which is essential for efficient operations.

5. Increased customer satisfaction:

Mobile scanning in a warehouse can greatly improve customer satisfaction by reducing errors and increasing efficiency. Mobile scanning can help warehouses fulfil orders faster and more accurately, leading to increased customer satisfaction. By using mobile scanning devices to track inventory levels in real-time, warehouse staff can ensure that they always have the products that customers need in stock. This can help prevent stockouts and backorders, which can lead to delays and frustration for customers.This is especially important in today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, where fast and accurate fulfilment is essential for customer retention.

6. Multi-platform selling

Multi-platform selling through mobile scanning in a warehouse can be an efficient way to manage inventory and streamline the sales process. With this approach, you can use a mobile scanning device to scan items in the warehouse, which automatically updates the inventory in your sales platforms such as Amazon, eBay, or your e-commerce store. By implementing multi-platform selling through mobile scanning in a warehouse, you can improve your inventory management, increase sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Warehouse Barcode Scanning System

A warehouse barcode scanning system is a technology used in warehouses to help with inventory management, order processing, and shipping. It involves the use of handheld devices that are equipped with barcode scanners and software that enables users to scan barcodes on products, boxes, and pallets.

The system works by creating a unique barcode for each product, which can then be scanned and recorded in the warehouse’s database. This allows warehouse managers to track inventory levels, monitor product movement, and manage orders more efficiently.

When a product arrives at the warehouse, its barcode is scanned and recorded in the system, along with its location in the warehouse. As the product is moved around the warehouse, its location is updated in the system by scanning the barcode again. When an order is received, the system can quickly locate the product and generate a pick list, which ensures that the correct products are picked and shipped.

This can be done through a cloud-based system (like LogixPlatform) or a locally hosted platform… although we recommend a cloud-based system so you can have access to data from anywhere, on any device.

In addition to your primary inventory management or warehouse management system, the components of a warehouse barcode system include the following:

  • Handheld scanners to quickly scan items as they arrive, as they are picked and packed, and prepared for shipping;
  • Mobile and web-based applications to access accurate and real-time data no matter where you are in the warehouse or the world.

Benefits of Warehouse Barcode Scanning for Fulfilment Tracking

As mentioned earlier, warehouse barcode scanning systems make every part of the fulfilment process easier.

  • Provide a real-time view of stock levels, even across multi-warehouse environments.
  • Identify items in high demand, make adjustments to purchasing and shipping, and determine if seasonal fluctuations are at play.
  • Reduce picking errors.
  • Ensure items are correctly stored based on information contained in a barcode (e.g., temperature controlled, expiry dates, etc.).
  • Minimise the number of times employees handle stock by ensuring the correct item is picked every time.
  • Reduce the time (and cost) spent processing returns by getting items back on the shelf and reconciling inventory quickly.
  • Provide visibility into order shipping and tracking for customers.

The Appropriate Warehouse Scanning Solutions for Mobile Barcode Scanning

LogixPlatform offers cloud-based and mobile solutions, with mobile applications to scan shipments the moment they arrive at your warehouse and can track products through the inbound process. You’ll also be able to use mobile applications to guide your warehouse employees through each day’s pick, pack, and shipment process to ensure that every order that goes out the door is 100% accurate.

LogixPlatform warehouse scanning solution includes:

  • Compatibility with your current warehouse management system
  • User-friendliness and ease of use
  • Availability of necessary features such as barcode scanning, real-time inventory tracking, and reporting capabilities
  • Customization options to fit your specific business needs
  • Reliability and stability of the software
  • Affordability and return on investment

To learn more about the benefits of a warehouse barcode system, check out our case study on Warehouse & Delivery Management System.

If you have questions about barcode systems and how they can benefit your business, reach out to our team or request a demo.

The Impact of Sustainability on Logistics and eCommerce

The Impact of Sustainability on Logistics and eCommerce

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration in the logistics and eCommerce industries. The pressure to reduce carbon emissions and minimise the environmental impact of these industries is growing, and companies are beginning to recognize the benefits of adopting sustainable practices.With the increasing concern for environmental sustainability, many companies in the logistics and eCommerce industries are feeling the pressure to reduce their carbon emissions and minimise their environmental impact.

Here are some of the ways sustainability is impacting logistics and eCommerce:

1. Green Transportation:

Logistics companies are exploring ways to reduce their carbon footprint by adopting greener modes of transportation such as electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and bicycles. This not only reduces their emissions but also helps them save on fuel costs.Logistics companies are increasingly adopting green transportation options, such as electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and bicycles, to reduce their carbon footprint and save on fuel costs.

2. Sustainable Packaging:

eCommerce companies are increasingly using sustainable packaging materials such as biodegradable and compostable materials, as well as reducing the amount of packaging used. This reduces waste and also helps to reduce shipping costs. E-commerce companies are increasingly using sustainable packaging materials, such as biodegradable and compostable materials, as well as reducing the amount of packaging used, to reduce waste and shipping costs.

3. Circular Supply Chain:

Companies are starting to implement circular supply chain models, where waste is minimized and resources are kept in use for as long as possible. This involves reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling products at the end of their life cycle.To achieve this, companies may implement a range of strategies, such as designing products for durability and reparability, using renewable or recycled materials, and creating closed-loop systems where waste from one process is used as a resource in another.

4. Carbon Offsetting:

Some logistics and eCommerce companies are offsetting their carbon emissions by investing in carbon reduction projects, such as reforestation or renewable energy projects.Projects that are commonly supported by carbon offsetting initiatives include renewable energy projects, such as wind or solar power, as well as reforestation and afforestation projects, which involve planting trees or other vegetation to absorb carbon from the atmosphere.

5. Green Warehousing:

Warehouses are a significant source of emissions, with energy consumption being the largest contributor. Companies are adopting sustainable warehouse practices, such as installing solar panels, improving insulation, and using energy-efficient lighting and heating systems.To address this issue, companies are increasingly adopting green warehousing practices. This can include installing solar panels to generate renewable energy, improving insulation to reduce energy loss, using energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and implementing recycling programs to reduce waste.


Sustainability is having a significant impact on the logistics and eCommerce industries, as companies recognize the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and minimising their environmental impact. By adopting sustainable practices with LogixPlatform, companies can not only reduce their environmental impact but also improve their bottom line by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Streamlining Courier Management with Innovative Software Solutions

Transportation Management Solutions: Key Trends and Challenges for 2023

Courier management can be a complex process that requires efficient coordination and communication between different teams, including dispatchers, drivers, and customers. However, with the help of innovative software solutions, courier companies can streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction.One way to achieve this is by leveraging innovative software solutions that are specifically designed for courier management.

Here are some ways in which software solutions can help in courier management:

1. Automated dispatching:

With an automated dispatch system, courier companies can optimize their routes, assign the right drivers for each delivery, and ensure that all deliveries are made on time. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and delays.By automating the dispatching process, courier companies can optimize their operations and reduce the time and effort needed for dispatchers to manually assign drivers to each delivery. This can also help to reduce the risk of errors and delays, as the software can quickly identify the best driver and route for each delivery, based on real-time traffic data and other factors.

2. Real-time tracking:

Real-time tracking software allows both the courier company and the customer to track the delivery status of a package at any time. This can help reduce the number of inquiries and complaints related to package delivery. This software provides real-time updates on the location of the package, its delivery status, and estimated delivery time. Real-time tracking software can be integrated with GPS technology and barcode scanning systems to provide accurate and up-to-date information.

3. Mobile applications:

Mobile apps can be used by drivers to manage their routes, communicate with dispatchers, and provide real-time updates on package delivery status. Customers can also use mobile apps to track their packages, schedule deliveries, and provide feedback.The use of mobile apps has greatly improved the efficiency and productivity of drivers and delivery personnel, as well as enhance the overall customer experience.

4. Electronic proof of delivery:

Electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) software allows drivers to collect signatures and capture photos of delivered packages using their mobile devices. This eliminates the need for paper-based delivery records and reduces the risk of errors and disputes.This helps to eliminate the need for paper-based delivery records, which can be prone to errors, loss, or disputes. Instead, ePOD systems provide real-time, accurate, and transparent tracking of deliveries, giving both customers and logistics companies greater visibility and control over the delivery process.

5. Integration with e-commerce platforms:

Courier management software can be integrated with e-commerce platforms to automatically import and process orders, reducing manual data entry and streamlining the order fulfilment process.integrating courier management software with e-commerce platforms can greatly improve the efficiency of order fulfilment. By automating the process of importing and processing orders, it eliminates the need for manual data entry, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

6. Route Optimization:

Software solutions can help optimize courier routes by taking into account traffic patterns, delivery locations, and other factors. This can help reduce delivery times and minimize fuel costs.Route optimization software is a powerful tool that can help businesses optimize their courier routes, ensuring that packages are delivered in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

7. Electronic Proof of Delivery:

Electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) software allows couriers to capture signatures and other delivery information electronically, reducing the need for paper documentation. This can help reduce paperwork, improve accuracy, and speed up the delivery process.By digitizing the process of capturing signatures and delivery information, ePOD software can help reduce the need for paper documentation, improve accuracy, and speed up the delivery process.


Innovative software solutions of Logix Platform can help courier companies streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. By automating key tasks, providing real-time tracking and communication, and integrating with e-commerce platforms, courier companies can stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Last Mile Delivery: Strategies for Improving Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Transportation Management Solutions: Key Trends and Challenges for 2023

Last-mile delivery refers to the final stage of the delivery process where the package is transported from the last warehouse or distribution centre to the customer’s doorstep. This stage is crucial for customer satisfaction and can significantly impact the overall delivery experience.

Consumers want what they want — and quickly. To keep their business, companies must find new, creative ways to improve their last-mile delivery strategy and meet customer expectations. Retail giants like Amazon and Walmart have seemingly limitless resources, yet companies must compete with them in order to survive. Many factors can complicate last-mile delivery and getting it right is crucial.

Companies are under constant pressure to meet the expectations of a “need-it-now” society. This urgency, along with the massive growth in e-commerce and online ordering, has placed an even greater emphasis on last-mile delivery: the final and most critical leg for when an order arrives at a customer’s door. The last mile serves as the physical touchpoint with your customers, greatly influencing customer satisfaction and setting customer expectations for future orders. The last mile has become a driver for new efficiencies, and organisations are constantly looking to balance customer satisfaction and delivery optimization, bringing the final leg of delivery into the spotlight.

Here are some strategies for improving efficiency and customer satisfaction in last-mile delivery:

i) Automated route-optimization:

The software is equipped with an advanced route-optimization and planning feature that automatically balances out all the boundary conditions, available resources, and constraints to come up with the most optimal routes. Given the complexity of modern logistics, this is really impossible to achieve manually. Some key variables include:

*Traffic conditions (congestion, bottlenecks, speeds, etc.)
*Weather and road conditions
*Distances to be travelled
*Available fleet vehicles and their capacity
*Available fleet drivers and their skills
*Delivery time-windows
*Available employee work hours, scheduled breaks

Logistics managers set their delivery goals, and the software balances out such resources and constraints to arrive at the most efficient routes and provide accurate customer ETAs. This is a forever dynamic process, and logistics teams also refer to historical data and use manual intervention as and when required.

ii) Complete transparency and visibility across last-mile operations:

The experiential part of a shopping experience is always highly valued by the customer. It provides the ‘emotional’ part of a brand’s appeal, and over time, its equity. Just like touching, feeling, and smelling a product while purchasing products in-store, benefits like real-time tracking, live updates, and communication with delivery-drivers is a crucial part of the order-fulfilment process.

It provides customers with transparency and visibility into the delivery process, thereby making them feel that they are in control of their deliveries. This provides them with confidence, makes them feel involved, and creates a sense of feeling valued.

Today’s dispatch software allows customers to monitor their order progress right from the point of dispatch to the point of delivery. Additionally, any changes (e.g., delays due to weather) are communicated in real-time.

iii) Offering enough options to customers:

Consumer surveys have consistently revealed that 50% of them rate choosing delivery windows for their parcels as topmost among their priorities.

Back in the day, customers really had just two delivery choices: Standard and Urgent! Modern conveniences like rescheduled deliveries or same-day deliveries were unheard of! But, led by the E-commerce revolution, such options have now become the norm. Today’s customers demand the conveniences of delivery windows, various methods of payment, re-scheduling deliveries, changing destination addresses – well, the list goes on.

Today’s delivery software enables logistics managers to take into consideration all the variables mentioned above (and then some) to arrive at the most feasible solutions for both the customer and the logistics companies.

Importantly, the software sets realistic targets so that delivery drivers can maintain all protocols (driving safety, shift hours, adequate rest, etc.) and achieve delivery dates that meet customer expectations. Also, since customer-preferred delivery times are factored in, the chances of failed deliveries are greatly reduced. This improves the cost, and efficiency, of the entire delivery operation.

iv) Free shipping:

Well, we all love a free deal, don’t we? For consumers, even with delivery charges falling as much as they have in recent years (consider Amazon Prime’s annual charge that entitles you to free shipping), the offer of “free shipping” is always a winning one!

Consumer surveys have consistently shown that 75% of consumers consider it an all-important factor when they are shopping online. Therefore, as a retailer, you must set yourself up to provide this option to your customers—it greatly increases your chance of attracting new customers and, thereon, the likelihood of creating lifelong customers.

~ For the modern customer, 2-3 day delivery is now the baseline, while 30% of customers now expect Same-day delivery ~

v) Personalise your customer communication:

You only have to listen to customer feedback surveys to realise how important it is to make your customer feel like they are “kept in the loop” during the order fulfilment process. Nearly half of all consumers state that they want real-time updates, and are likely to switch brands if brands don’t make an effort to reach out with ‘personalised communications’.
Imagine this: “Hello Adam! Your parcel will reach you tomorrow between 2 pm and 2:30 pm. See you then!”

Such personalised messages across the last-mile delivery create a huge impact on your customers and go a long way in improving customer experience and, therefore, building customer loyalty.

vi) Reduced delivery times and alternative fulfilment models:

With fast shipping becoming an ever-more important buying consideration for customers, it has necessitated the need for firms to maintain inventory stocks as close to customers as possible. Using modern delivery models such as self-pickups from designated locations and offline stores as micro-warehouses, companies can reduce order fulfilment times. Let’s look at some other popular options:
*Micro-fulfillment centres
*Pop-up distribution centres
*Curbside deliveries
*Hyperlocal deliveries
*Dark stores

vii) Using data analytics to understand consumer behaviour:

It would be obvious to say that modern logistics and distribution management are centred on the use of automation, data, and advanced algorithms. Right from optimising routes and delivery schedules to automated dispatch of drivers and parcels, the dispatch software of today is a powerful tool due to its algorithms.

Using modern last-mile software will indicate what your strengths and weaknesses are and identify your customers’ constantly evolving last-mile consumer expectations. With such actionable insight, you could minimise your inefficiencies, serve customers better, and deliver better on customer needs.

How LogixPlatform can help with perfecting last-mile customer engagement

LogixPlatform is a last-mile customer engagement solution that can help you optimise your last-mile delivery customer experience. With solutions that can be tailored to your business needs and that integrate with the tools you already have, LogixPlatform supports innovation leaders in paving the way for a better last-mile experience.

Features like “Track My Delivery” last-mile delivery tracking software fill in the gaps of the customer journey, providing real-time maps and automated notifications that empower customers to take control of their experience. Via a self-service portal, clients have streamlined access to all their last-mile carrier tracking, delivery, and proof of delivery details, and they can opt into automated notifications that are geo-location triggered.

Transportation Management Solutions: Key Trends and Challenges for 2023

Transportation Management Solutions: Key Trends and Challenges for 2023

Transportation management solutions (TMS) have become increasingly important in recent years as businesses seek to optimise their supply chains and improve their logistics operations. As we look toward 2023, there are several key trends and challenges that are likely to shape the TMS landscape.

As the transportation environment becomes increasingly complex, transportation management systems are being called upon more than ever to meet shippers’ needs. Industry analysts contend that TMS “just keeps getting better,” with much of that momentum being driven by end users that are continually asking vendors to fold more capabilities and functionalities into their software portfolios.

Transportation management in 2023 will be a battle to get cost and service under control while advancing organisational capabilities to be more resilient, address labour challenges, and make a positive impact on the environment.

Managing transportation is getting more complex as everything from fuel surcharges to a driver shortage to capacity constraints have made selecting the best and most economical mode, carrier, and lane choices extremely challenging.

The good news is that technology vendors have stayed in step with—and sometimes, even out ahead of—broader transportation trends, and now offer transportation management systems (TMS) that help shippers better operate this critical supply chain component.

Whether they’re built into a larger enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, served up individually by a best-of-breed software vendor, or offered as standalone, Cloud-based platforms, TMS helps companies plan, execute and optimise outbound and inbound shipments. The software helps shippers forecast their transportation needs, manage multiple carriers, track shipments and automate processes like tendering and load booking.And due to the complexities that were created by the pandemic, shippers now truly understand the value of using TMS to automate their transportation activities.

TMS just getting better

Brock Johns, a senior principal analyst at Gartner, Inc., says that TMS adoption has remained strong over the last few years.
“We’re in the middle of the research cycle for the 2023 Magic Quadrant, and based on our preliminary research and data, vendor growth has been strong in the TMS market,” says Johns. “Interest in TMS solutions continues to be very strong as well. We continue to forecast double-digit growth across the market, and especially for small- to mid-sized shippers where the barriers to entry for TMS adoption have receded over the last few years.”

As he surveys the TMS market, Johns sees a supply chain management software category that “just keeps getting better,” with much of that momentum being driven by end users that are continually asking vendors to fold more capabilities and functionalities into their software portfolios. What also helps is most TMS applications are now available in the Cloud and accessible to a wider swath of shippers.

Transportation Trends For 2023

Some of the transportation trends are discussed below:

1. The Network Effect

The first of the transportation trends is the network effect is at the heart of supply chain transformation. Essentially, the network effect exists when all components of the supply chain technology ecosystem work together to improve the performance of the end-to-end supply chain.

From a transportation standpoint, the network effect relies on communication between trading partners on a public cloud application to make freight moves more efficient. The more entities on the network, the more powerful the network synergies are. A network application can mean more efficiently matching loads with capacity, using visibility tools to predict more accurate ETAs, optimising routes, and ensuring that trucks can be loaded and unloaded as efficiently as possible. Sustainability is a byproduct of the network effect. The identification of good backhaul opportunities, load consolidation, and route optimization means fewer trucks on the road.

2. Transportation Management System Innovation

The second transportation trend is innovation in transportation management systems (TMS). Historically, transportation management systems have offered a strong ROI. The primary reason companies buy a TMS is for freight savings. These freight savings can be attributed to simulation and network design, load consolidation and lower cost mode selections, and multi-stop route optimization. As freight costs have continued to rise, companies have looked more and more to their TMS to mitigate these rising costs. A big reason for TMS growth is the fact that technology has been steadily improving over the last few years.

3. Time Slot Management

The third transportation trend is the growing importance and interest in Time Slot Management. Time slot management helps to organise warehouse resources to prepare for an incoming truck. The warehouse needs to know who is coming and when which begins with the ETA. Beyond that, warehouse workers need updates on what dock the truck is arriving at, when the truck is loaded, what papers they will pick up, what needs to be signed, and when they are leaving the warehouse or yard.

There are elements that are out of your control that will impact shipments. It is really just a matter of how much of an impact will be felt. Time slot management applications can help to reduce the impact of changes. Whether it is due to traffic jams, missed appointments, or a variety of other reasons, loadings, and unloadings will need to be rescheduled on any given day.

4. Autonomous Trucks

The fourth transportation trend is autonomous trucks. The jury is still out on autonomous trucks – there have been plenty of pilots and publicity, but are self-driving trucks ready to take to the roads in a critical mass? One of the biggest drivers for self-driving trucks is the driver shortage which continues to grow every year. However, autonomous trucks are not the quick solution to the driver shortage. Similar to autonomous robots within the warehouse, autonomous trucks are not here to replace human drivers. Instead, they are here to collaborate with drivers to make the task easier.

The practice of platooning seems to be a space where the reality of autonomous trucks could first make an impact. In these solutions, the lead truck is equipped with technology augmentation while a follower truck operates in tandem through a fully autonomous system.

5. Autonomous Last Mile Deliveries

The fifth and final transportation trend in the future of last-mile delivery. One of the most difficult and expensive aspects of the supply chain is the last mile and home delivery. However, from a customer experience standpoint, it is also the most memorable and possibly important. As e-commerce continues to grow, we are looking at autonomous last-mile deliveries as part of the solution.

2023 Forecast: Rising challenges

The year 2023 will probably be a “catch your breath” kind of year for shippers – a return to a “normal” year, or whatever passes for normal now.

Shippers will be focused on resiliency and strategically planning for the next transportation challenges that affect the supply chain. Now is the time to reassess transportation strategies and partnerships and do extensive scenario planning. Below are a few more predictions for the year ahead.

1. Rate Stabilisation

Truckload, LTL, intermodal, and ocean should all expect to see stabilization, and possibly further reductions, in rates. The parcel will likely continue to increase but at a much slower pace.

2. E-Commerce & Omnichannel Pressures

Demand for e-commerce will continue driving pressure for distributed deliveries and more B2C shipments. Shippers will rely more on automated route optimization to enhance transportation efficiencies and ensure each movement in the supply chain is in the right mode for the right price.

3. Demand Forecasting Challenges

Forecasting demand for products and transportation will present a challenge. Inventory build-ups due to supply chain sluggishness, a return to consumer spending in services, and economic inflation have everyone asking – what will happen to demand?

4. Labour Shortages

Strikes and slowdowns will add to labour challenges and reinforce the need for flexible, resilient supply chains. Companies will continue implementing automation solutions for repetitive, manual tasks to combat ongoing labour shortages.

Stay Informed And Adaptable In 2023

The year ahead will present transportation challenges and opportunities for the supply chain. Shippers will turn to automation, enhanced visibility, and dynamic solutions for routing and pricing to help them stay adaptable and meet the changing demands of the global economy.

To learn more about the transportation and logistics trends that will shape 2023 and how advanced Logix TMS control-tower solutions are leading the way, contact LogixGrid Technologies now.

Overall, the TMS landscape is likely to become more complex and challenging in 2023, as businesses seek to optimise their logistics operations and meet growing customer demands. However, by staying abreast of key trends and challenges, businesses can position themselves for success in this dynamic and rapidly-evolving field.

The Value-Added Service Your Warehouse Needs

The Value Added Service Your Warehouse Needs 02

What is a Warehouse Management System?

A Warehouse Management System (WMS) is an essential link to the supply chain process that utilises technology to increase efficiency and productivity and provide information about warehouse operations in real time.

Value-added services in logistics allow businesses to provide more comprehensive benefits, which has become an essential tool in increasing customer satisfaction. Using these services is especially vital in operations based on customer trust. Supply chain and logistics are some of the most competitive sectors and adding value can give your organisation an edge.

What is a Value-Added Service (VAS)?

The term value-added services refer to the additional distribution and warehousing services offered by third-party logistics providers to businesses looking to outsource their supply chain operations.

Whenever logistics providers add value the right way, it affects the level of customer satisfaction, while indirectly increasing their bottom line. Service providers know the ins and outs of the business and they can assist companies in responding to customers’ needs. Companies partnering with value-added logistics providers can focus on their core business and work on being more competent in the market. Value-adding is not a one-time task — it requires continuous maintenance and 3PLs are working toward providing value-added services in conjunction with their more traditional offerings.

Adding value to your packaging and transportation process can give your company an edge in the market and enable you to stand out from the competition. Service providers offer a range of contributions that add value to your brand, but how do they do that? And is it advantageous? Let’s look at some offerings and how they can benefit your organisation.

What Are Warehouse Value-Added Services (VAS)?

Warehouse value-added services are additional services that a warehouse or third-party logistics (3PL) provider can offer to their clients beyond the standard storage and shipping services. These services can be customised to the client’s needs and can include anything from repacking and reworking products to material screening and postponement services.

Containment services:

Containment services involve keeping products in a specific area or “containment” until they are ready to be shipped. This can help to improve quality control and prevent damage to products.


Reworking involves taking products that are not up to standard and making them compliant with the client’s specifications. This can include anything from removing damaged goods to fixing packaging errors.

Labelling and relabelling:

Labelling and relabelling services involve applying labels to products or changing the labels on products. This can be done for a variety of reasons, including updating the label to reflect a change in the product or applying a special label for promotional purposes. However, going the extra mile to ensure that products are properly labelled and packaged can set you apart from your competitors. Offering custom labelling or packaging options can help your customers stand out in the market and improve their brand recognition.

Screening and inspection:

Screening and inspection services involve checking products for defects or damage. This can help to ensure that only quality products are shipped to the client. Ensuring that products are of the highest quality is critical for any business. This service can be especially valuable for customers in highly regulated industries like food and pharmaceuticals.


Repacking services involve packing products into different types of packaging, such as changing from bulk packaging to retail-ready packaging. This can be done to meet the client’s needs or to protect the products during shipping.

Benefits of Value-Added Services in Warehouses

There are many benefits to using warehouse value-added services, including:

Improved quality:

Value-added services can help to increase the efficiency of the warehouse operation. This can lead to reduced costs and improved profitability.

Storage needs taken care of:

When businesses use value-added services, they can be assured that their storage needs will be taken care of. This can free up time and resources that can be used for other purposes.

More time to focus on business expansion:

When businesses use value-added services, they can free up time to focus on expansion. This can lead to increased sales and growth.


LogixPlatform, Value-Added Services

At LogixGrid, we understand the importance of value-added services in today’s logistics industry. That’s why we offer a comprehensive logistics software solution that can help your warehouse provide these services to your customers. Our software can automate and streamline your warehouse operations, making it easier for you to offer assembly and kitting, labeling and packaging, quality control and inspection, reverse logistics, and cross-docking services. With our software, you can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and increase revenue, all while providing top-notch service to your customers.

We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients. If you are looking for a value-added service provider that can help you improve the quality of your products, increase the efficiency of your warehouse operation, take care of your storage needs, and more, then look no further than LogixPlatform. We are a provider of value-added services in the warehouse and logistics industry. Contact Us for further details

How Technology is Revolutionizing the Warehouse Management Industry

How Techonolgy is Revolutionsing the Warehouse MAnagement Industry

Technology is quickly transforming the world around us, impacting everything from the way we communicate to how we operate our businesses. Technology is transforming warehouses, too, supporting learner, more agile operations and enabling warehouses to offer rapid delivery and error-free orders – elements that are essential to the success of a fulfilment operation.

Why is technology important for warehouses?

Some companies open their own warehouses or distribution centres, but opening a new facility requires substantial capital. To avoid significant capital investment, some companies enlist a third-party logistics provider (3PL) to provide warehousing, distribution, and logistics services, while others turn to on-demand warehousing to secure additional storage capacity when they need it. In addition to securing additional storage capacity, many warehouses turn to technology innovations to meet the demand for rapid, accurate deliveries.

But what technologies are behind the curtain? And how are they changing the warehouse landscape? In this blog, we’ll examine different ways technology is transforming warehouses:

1. IoT, sensors, and scanners improve the accuracy:

Technology such as IoT, sensors, and barcode scanners enable warehouses to digitise processes that were previously manual, time-consuming, and error-prone.

Inventory management is a good example. Before technology advancements made it possible to streamline or automate inventory counts, warehouse associates manually counted each item and documented SKUs and the number of items in stock. This process is tedious, time-consuming, and subject to human error.

While many warehouses still utilise manual inventory counts periodically as an auditing process, automatic data collection makes the inventory management process more efficient. For example, RFID tags transmit data automatically, providing better visibility into inventory levels in real time. Barcode labels and scanners are other options, allowing associates to document inventory data with a simple barcode scan, rather than relying on error-prone manual data entry.

Many mobile devices now have barcode scanning capabilities, which eliminates the need for dedicated barcode scanners. Coupled with cloud computing, warehouse associates can easily access software systems real-time location tracking. G for real-time access to data. GPS solutions help reduce theft and inventory loss through PS also enables real-time shipment tracking for end-to-end supply chain visibility.

2. Cloud-based Technologies

Many warehouses were slow to adopt cloud technologies due to perceived security concerns and the lack of others in the industry using the technology. But now many software companies are developing applications specifically for warehouse receiving and inventory that can be accessed via the cloud. They can be accessed on smartphones, tablets, and computers, making this a highly versatile solution.


Radio frequency identification technology (RFID), also known as Automatic Identification (AutoID) is a new automated data collection system that shows a lot of promise in warehouses. Although it consists of several different components, this new technology could be most beneficial in receiving. It allows for items to be automatically scanned in larger volumes– and at higher speeds– than any other method available. This can also help reduce costs, streamline processes, and increase accuracy in all areas of the warehouse. It has just recently emerged as a possible solution for warehouses but does show great promise and could be the way of the future.

4. Mobile Workstations

One of the most innovative and practical solutions in modern warehouse receiving is the mobile workstation. These portable computers allow employees to take the system with them all over the warehouse and take every step of the process in one trip. This helps to significantly boost dock-to-stock time as well as reduce labour costs. The ability to take the workstation anywhere the employee is working also greatly reduces the chances of mislabeled products, inaccurate inventories, and other possible mistakes.

5. Time Efficient

In the past, it was not uncommon for materials received in a warehouse to be handled by multiple workers, but constantly handing off items only increases the amount of time it takes to reach its final destination. Advanced receiving technology allows for a single worker to scan and check in a shipment, and it can then be immediately moved to its designated spot.

6. Sustainability

Sustainability is an important consideration for many companies, and this trend is turning into a driving force for innovation. Warehouse technology and sustainable building design are no different. Replacing traditional warehouse fluorescent lighting with LED alternatives can save up to 85% of energy usage while creating fewer emissions, reducing the need to replace bulbs as frequently. Taking advantage of data-driven warehouse solutions can also improve efficiency by preventing power ghosts from drawing energy when they’re not in use. Smart warehouses rely on monitors to regulate power usage on a massive scale, saving big corporations and small startups alike money.

Manufacturing, raw material transportation, and storage are not the only steps in the process of getting products from points A to B. Warehouses can contribute to sustainable practices by decreasing waste with improved monitoring and retrofitting.

7. Augmented Reality (AR)

AR technology is being used in warehouse operations to provide workers with real-time information on inventory locations, order-picking instructions, and safety alerts. This technology can reduce errors and increase productivity by providing workers with the information they need to complete tasks more efficiently.


While not all of these technologies are currently used in all warehouses, there are clear signs that they are the way of the future. With the changing market, warehouse managers will take any necessary steps to keep up. Cloud technologies, automation, mobile devices, and other new technologies would allow them to do just that by increasing productivity as well as reducing costs at the same time. The first step in any of this starts in the receiving department. Technologies that allow for great accuracy, better placement, and quicker dock-to-stock time will help to streamline every area of the warehouse and create a more productive environment.


Logix Warehouse Management System (WMS) solutions that streamline and optimize your warehouse operations. It is a comprehensive and efficient solution to manage your inventory and supply chain management needs.

Warehouse services are at the core of your eCommerce business. Ensure your products are stored properly and strategically with a warehousing and fulfilment provider that treats your products like their own.

LogixGrid Technologies guarantees the highest level of managing a warehouse and 3PL fulfilment services in the industry. After all, the fulfilment of your online orders is the core of our operations.

Focus on your business and keep the rest be on us. Contact LogixGrid today to learn more and request a quote.

The Future of Logistics Software: Predictions for 2023 and Beyond


The Future of Logistics Software Predictions for 2023 and Beyond

The weak link in supply chains over the years has been transportation. In response, companies are working to offer great value to customers’ demands, while keeping their transport logistics budget sustainable.

We’ve seen tremendous growth in logistics advances ever since the 2020 pandemic, and these developments are reported to continue as top logistics trends for 2023 predict that sustainability and digitization play a significant role in the continued growth and improvement of supply chain management.

When we think of the supply chain, the first thing that comes to our mind is- “Logistics Technology 2023”. The only reason is that logistics technology has automated everything. It helped businesses and saved time in gathering data, processing, analysis, and transmission while maintaining high-level accuracy. Here logistics software is of great help in streamlining the flow of things in logistics operations.

An outlook into the future of the logistics industry (whether ocean, air, or ground) focuses on the advanced technologies making their way into our society’s mainstream. These advances revolve around many logistics sectors, including warehousing, mobility, supply chain stability, and security.

What will be the future of logistics software?

It’s difficult to predict the future of global logistics, as it depends on various factors, such as technological advancements and changing customer needs. However, you can look forward to the following trends in transportation and logistics in 2023 and beyond:

1. Artificial and Augmented Intelligence:

AI has been at the core of technology in various industry verticals and logistics is one of them. Logistics has begun integrating AI to refine the flow of operations by including transportation, route planning, and demand planning.
Moreover, Augmented Intelligence could be seen making its way into logistics. It will combine the efforts of human planners that include experience, customer service, flexibility, and more. The best example could be seen in warehouse management to optimise the distribution of diverse goods and their storage. It is the advent of third-generation business intelligence where we can expect smart industry systems to have stunning cognitive abilities that will display instructions of the work plan with detailed operational instructions. This transformation will help in reducing the lead time and training period.

According to research, In 2023 Augmented Intelligence is expected to create a business value of $2.9 trillion that will increase worker’s productivity by 6.2 billion hours globally. Thus, we can expect more and more companies to deploy AI solutions aimed to reduce errors and save cost and time.

2. Warehouse Robotics:

When it comes to warehouse operations, logistics have witnessed a significant transformation recently. If you closely look at the practice of adopting robotics in the logistics area, you will find more tangible and clear benefits.

Owing to the benefits, we can expect warehouse robotics to be in trend in 2021 and beyond. Robots can reduce human errors that can bring in significant profits as the cost incurred is significantly decreased.

Moreover, it will ensure the safety of workers by undertaking dangerous jobs such as checking high racks for storage spaces. Also, it helps increase the delivery speed and overall efficiency through automation that will eventually satisfy the customers and grow your brand.

So, above were the biggest trends that we can expect in the future. All these are likely to impact the logistics and manufacturing industry, where logistics software will have a crucial role to play.

If you are looking forward to a solution, try logistics software from LogixGrid Technologies top logistics application development company. We have worked with numerous companies across the globe and helped them to grow their business.

3. Data standardization and Advanced Analytics:

When it comes to data standardisation, it has never been at the core of the logistics industry. Companies have stored it wherever they wanted to, but that leads to a scattered ecosystem resulting in inefficient operations that lacked digitization.

So, the companies who want to survive the massive changes that are to come will have to keep up with the data standardisation and incorporation of advanced analytics.We can see that companies are moving towards creating common information technology standards to completely digitise and facilitate interoperability.

Moreover, young startups are focusing on advanced analytics platforms to resolve data inconsistency issues that are helping to cleanse the data. Some of the best deployments could be seen in the areas of proactive linehaul planning, demand forecasting, predictive maintenance, last-mile delivery improvements, and more.

4. Last Mile Delivery Automation:

Last-mile logistics is part of the supply chain that has been the target for many businesses after the omnichannel distribution in E-commerce. We can call it delivery uberization which is based on the direct contact between consumers through mobile technologies.

Last-mile delivery logistics are subject to automation at a greater level that includes trans-shipment and fulfilment centres, logistic hubs, shipping automation, advanced analytics, and the usage of ML. It is undertaken to simulate and predict customer behavior patterns, forecast material flow, and logistics routes.

5. The Rise of E-Freight:

Technology is transforming air logistics with the introduction of end-to-end paperless air cargo transportation. Like most industries, air freight forwarding is looking to reduce paper use in the future.

There will be an introduction of software for digital invoicing, freight tracking, and more. The goal is to create a paperless future in air logistics. This system will help reduce carbon emissions and waste generated by air cargo companies.

6. Introduction to Regionalization:

Globalization made it possible for consumers to have everything they want at any given time and in any quantity. But the rising number of consumers makes it challenging to avail goods on demand. These consumers are also choosy regarding their purchasing choices, meaning they won’t accept alternative items.Regionalization means reorganizing the manufacturing of products into smaller blocks in more localised economies. The goal of this strategy is to move production closer to the customers. It allows for shorter transport routes to foster trust and authenticity. Logistics companies can now directly contact the people behind a product and fulfill customers’ orders.

Expect more logistics companies to embrace regionalization over globalisation. In the long run, processes become more efficient and cost-effective. Regionalization helps address the velocity and agility issues of supply chains. It’s a great way of keeping up with consumers’ growing expectations.

2023 call:

2023 will be a “learn” year for machine learning in supply chain and logistics operations. As ML arrangements go more standard in 2023, supply chain and logistics technology industries will study its capacities — where it works and doesn’t (we’ve proactively seen a portion of these cases). We will likewise see more complex purposes of ML that join it with “traditional” algorithms to determine optimization improvement areas and system configurations in planning technology.


Smart technology and smarter decision-making based on supply chain data are among the most significant logistics industry trends for 2023. It all adds to greater sustainability, which will continue to be the central theme to orchestrating competitive edges for the storage and distribution of products. Sustainable solutions like LogixPlatform help organise a warehouse to avoid shipping errors. Learn more from the most innovative technologies about other ways to achieve supply chain sustainability.

Overall, the future of logistics software looks bright, with emerging technologies and a growing focus on efficiency and sustainability driving innovation in the industry.

Embracing Sustainability in Logistics Best Practices and Innovations

Embracing Sustainability in Logistics Best Practices and Innovations

In recent years a rising number of multinational corporations have pledged to work only with suppliers that adhere to social and environmental standards. Typically, these MNCs expect their first-tier suppliers to comply with those standards, and they ask that those suppliers in turn ask for compliance from their suppliers—who ideally ask the same from their suppliers. And so on. The aim is to create a cascade of sustainable practices that flows smoothly throughout the supply chain, or, as we prefer to call it, the supply network.

There has been a significant improvement in companies’ initiatives around sustainable practices and the government’s push toward the concept in the past few years. Business decision-makers have realised the importance of sustainability in their operations to reduce the enterprises’ carbon footprints. Recently, around 20 per cent of India Inc. included a sustainability report as part of their annual reporting processes, which is a step in the right direction. Companies have consciously included renewable energy in operations and logistics, and the central government is also committed to shifting logistics and supply chains to 100 per cent green and renewable energy resources. There are different reasons why the public and private sectors have emphasised embracing sustainable logistics in the business environment.

At a time when small as well as large companies are finding ways to reduce their overall emissions by shifting to alternative fuels, it is critical to acknowledge that transportation is one of the significant contributors to the total pollution in the country. As per a report, it contributes to more than 11 per cent of total air pollution in the nation. Another study has evaluated that the contribution could be much more than this number.

Hence, irrespective of the nature and size of a business, it is critical to notice that contribution to pollution levels and carbon emissions can be controlled only with sustainable practices. A proactive approach from large enterprises having their supply chain management system shall be a welcome step in addressing this issue.

Embracing sustainability in logistics is essential to reduce the environmental impact of transportation and distribution activities. Here are some best practices and innovations to help logistics companies become more sustainable:
Use alternative fuels and electric vehicles: Alternative fuels and electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and decrease their dependence on fossil fuels. Switching to alternative fuels like biodiesel, natural gas, and hydrogen can reduce emissions. Electric vehicles are also becoming increasingly popular due to their low emissions.

1. Optimise routes and loads:

Optimising routes and loads is an important strategy for reducing fuel consumption and increasing efficiency in transportation.Using technology to optimise routes and loads can reduce fuel consumption and emissions. By optimising delivery routes, companies can also reduce the number of miles driven, thereby decreasing carbon emissions.

2. Use sustainable packaging:

Sustainable packaging is becoming increasingly important as people look for ways to reduce waste and minimise their environmental impact. Use packaging made from renewable materials that can be recycled or reused to reduce waste. Sustainable packaging can also reduce the carbon footprint of logistics operations.

3. Implement green warehousing:

Implementing green warehousing is an important strategy for reducing the environmental impact of logistics and supply chain operations. Use renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines to power warehouses. Implementing green practices like LED lighting, motion sensors, and temperature control systems can also reduce energy consumption and costs.

4. Collaborate with suppliers :

Collaborating with suppliers is an important strategy for promoting sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of supply chain operations. Work with suppliers to ensure that they use sustainable practices and materials. Companies can also use local suppliers to reduce transportation costs and emissions.

5. Implement reverse logistics :

Implementing a reverse logistics program can reduce waste by recovering and recycling materials, products, and packaging. It is an important strategy for reducing waste and promoting sustainability. This can also save money by reducing disposal costs and creating new revenue streams.

6. Use data and analytics :

Using data and analytics to monitor and optimise logistics operations can help reduce waste and emissions. Companies can use data to identify areas of improvement and measure progress towards sustainability goals. It is also used to monitor supplier performance and ensure that suppliers are meeting sustainability goals.

7. Embrace circular economy principles:

Embracing circular economy principles, such as designing products for reuse and recycling, can help reduce waste and create a more sustainable supply chain. Share sustainability goals with suppliers and work together to develop strategies for achieving these goals.

Conclusion :

Embracing sustainability in logistics requires a holistic approach that involves using alternative fuels, optimising routes and loads, using sustainable packaging, implementing green warehousing, collaborating with suppliers, implementing reverse logistics, using data and analytics, and embracing circular economy principles. By implementing these practices, logistics companies can reduce their environmental impact and create a more sustainable supply chain.

Organisations are also adapting systematic handling and also reverse logistics of the harmful chemical and hazardous waste to adopt green practices. Environmental consciousness is now at the nerve centre of most organisations and operations. It is embedded as a key commitment. At LogixPlatform , we’re committed to our customers’ sustainability success and excited to build the next stage of cloud partner ecosystems. We’ve brought traceability for improved access to product and supplier origin and component efficacy.