Transform Your Customer’s Journey With Effective Omni-channel Logistics Solutions

Omnichannel Solution

With increasing internet penetration and the ubiquity and low cost of smartphones, consumer purchasing behaviour is shifting dramatically. With so many options, consumers are finding it easier and faster to find, assess, buy, pay for, and return things. The truth that these changes will bring is that a customer can interact with a company via omnichannel at any moment. Many merchants and manufacturers around the world are attempting to adjust to the new reality, which is emerging as a trend and a clear requirement for long-term survival.

Today’s consumer experience does not end with the purchase of a product; it continues until the product is delivered. A standard multi-channel strategy will not be enough to meet client expectations right away. Information accessibility, quickness, and personalization of service are critical factors in wooing today’s customers. Offline and online, the channels operate independently and frequently compete with one another. Companies must adapt to a high-performing, cost-effective, omnichannel network to provide excellent customer experience across all channels.

New omni-channel logistics models combine in-store operations with traditional and e-commerce supply chains in the hopes of increasing profit and performance. Companies must focus on two main areas to build and develop a cost-effective omnichannel supply chain: increased speed and convenience, and a high-performing cost-effective network.

To orchestrate flexible fulfilment options across channels, supply chain networks must be significantly more adaptable. Converged inventories are being used by leading retailers to improve enterprise-wide stock levels while maximising availability across channels. Retailers must be able to allocate and fulfil deliveries on a dynamic basis.

Companies may now create flawless experiences at a low-cost thanks to new-age technologies. By providing customers with real-time visibility, brands can ensure consumer loyalty.

Enhance Speed, Flexibility, And Personalisation Through Last-Mile :

Converged inventories are being used by leading retailers to improve enterprise-wide stock levels while maximising availability across channels. Retailers must be able to allocate and fulfil deliveries on a dynamic basis.

Companies may now create flawless experiences at a low-cost thanks to new-age technologies. By providing customers with real-time visibility, brands can ensure consumer loyalty.

Predictive analytics and data visualisation can help improve future demand patterns and find products closer to customers, allowing for faster and more cost-effective delivery. Invest in a mobility solution now to create a cost-effective and adaptable logistics system for Industry 4.0!

When a consumer or direct salesperson places an order with any eCommerce website, the warehouse team builds a ready-to-ship package and digitally notifies one of the various 3PL partners through LogixPlatform. As a result, the ‘after order’ customer engagement begins, which is critical in today’s era of the client as the centre of all corporate activities. Ecommerce store has reduced delivery times and evaluated 3PL partners based on their on-the-ground performance, separating the star performers from the laggards, thanks to the nimble and flexible mobility solution. Various multinational companies are using technology and mobility to improve customer journeys to be successful in omnichannel logistics.

With LogixPlatform you can also build a high performance cost effective network with great customer satisfaction. To know more about LogixPlatform, Visit: or book a demo with us now.

Complete Guide on eCommerce Fulfillment

eCommerce Fulfillment

E-commerce fulfilment is the series of steps you take to complete customer orders. The process includes inventory and order management, warehouse organisation, packing and shipping, customer communication, and much more.

Whether you use third-party fulfilment services or handle orders in-house, ensure your operations meet customer demands. This encourages your customers to buy from you repeatedly and spread the word about your exemplary customer service.

Increasing product demands may require you to get additional support. In that case, you need to select an advanced e-commerce fulfilment system that can help accommodate your business growing needs. How well your business carries out its eCommerce fulfillment is one of the prime determinants of whether your online business is going to succeed or fail. A well-run eCommerce fulfilment system will aid in expanding your business while also saving you time and money. The best eCommerce fulfilment services and strategies help in transforming the cost centred logistics into revenue drivers by improving conversions and driving more sales.

What is Involved in the eCommerce Fulfillment Process?

An eCommerce fulfilment process involves receiving, storage, order processing and returns for a product to reach the customer after they have placed their order through your eCommerce platform. eCommerce fulfillment process can even extend up to reverse logistics in case if the customer chooses to return the product. The goal of your eCommerce fulfillment process is to make sure your customers are happy and satisfied with your product and that your business succeeds.

What to Consider When Looking for an eCommerce Fulfillment Solution?

Finding an eCommerce fulfilment solution that fulfills your business needs is important. To do so, the following features are a must in your eCommerce fulfilment solution:

Easy Set-up :

Choose an eCommerce fulfilment solution that is easy to set up and integrate with your eCommerce platform. Such a set-up should let you synchronise your online store with your fulfilment service, allow importing of orders, configure shipping options, send data and facilitate returns to mention the few important functions.

Inventory Management Features :

Using an eCommerce fulfillment service that gives you real-time data of your inventory’s status, quantity and locations are important to enable faster and cheaper shipping and thereby more customer satisfaction and retention. Your eCommerce fulfillment service provider should have an inventory management system such that it lets you replenish your inventory quickly and also send faster inventory transfer requests.

Analytics and Reporting :

The eCommerce fulfillment service that you choose should have a system in place for analytics and reporting. The analytics and reporting done should be for storage costs per unit, shipping costs and fulfillment centres which need restocking. These analytics will help you to know about the cost of goods sold incurred and how you can reduce it and thereby earn more, improve your cash flow statement, and have a positive balance sheet.

How can LogixEcom help you manage your eCommerce store with an advanced eCommerce Fulfilment System?

With eComGlobus, get access to advanced eCommerce fulfilment solutions to manage the entire logistics operations of your shopify store very easily. With eComGlobus, get benefits of amazing eCommerce logistics features that will support you to manage your warehouse operations, fulfilment, procurements, last mile delivery, return and refund management.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one eCommerce fulfilment system to manage the eCommerce logistics operations of your eCommerce store then get in touch with us.

Top 5 Reasons To Switch To A Cloud-Based WMS

Cloud WMS

The decision to invest in a cloud-based warehouse management system (WMS) is frequently prompted by the presence of sub-par systems inside the exclusive supply chain. In daily operations, cloud ERP technology is one of the best, safe, and secure storage media for personal and professional data. You can’t ignore the revolution that technology can bring as a warehouse company or a corporation with warehousing activities. Warehouses require Cloud WMS to support their operations, particularly when manual techniques are no longer effective. The market is constantly changing, and with changes in connected industries, there is always a need for adaptation. Your present local warehouse management software, on the other hand, is unable to meet the challenge.

This is especially true in the age of e-commerce, therefore supply chain directors should think about the following top five reasons to use a cloud-based WMS.

1. A cloud-based WMS’s scalability is limitless :

The first challenge that a typical, non-purpose WMS solution presents is scalability. Existing systems may be unable to handle an increase in the number of SKUs controlled, and as the number of SKUs grows, this problem will cause severe bottlenecks and delays in order fulfilment. A cloud-based WMS, on the other hand, provides near-limitless capabilities by leveraging the resources and top firms for businesses of any size.

2. Cloud Computing Boosts Cybersecurity :

Cybersecurity is an essential component of every successful Internet-based system, and the web-based capabilities of cloud-based systems necessitate an unrivalled level of protection. Although cybersecurity may not appear to be a major concern in the modern warehouse, it is crucial for ensuring customer service and increasing brand value.

Because cloud-based vendors are hosted in the cloud and are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, vendors have invested millions in developing advanced cybersecurity measures, allowing your company to benefit from cybersecurity initiatives and protocols without incurring the costs of development and implementation.

3. A modern warehouse management system (WMS) can perform the functions of multiple warehouse systems :

In today’s environment, the capabilities of a WMS have blended with those of Warehouse Execution Systems (WES), Warehouse Control Systems (WCS), and other supply chain management systems. Companies can use a cloud-based system to access multiple system features from a single location. Of course, using a cloud-based WMS allows for faster system integration, allowing businesses to take advantage of new technology and platforms as they become available.

4. SaaS-based payment models may be available from cloud WMS vendors :

When considering upgrading to a cloud-based WMS, one of the most important items to consider is payment structures. Non-permit solutions may preserve proprietary value, but they come at a hefty expense. Upgrades to existing systems can easily push your initial expenditure into the hundreds of thousands of dollars while establishing a new in-house system for usage can cost millions.

Meanwhile, software companies have already created modern, complex WMS systems and platforms that take advantage of cutting-edge technologies and algorithms to boost operational efficiency. A cloud WMS vendor may offer software-as-a-service (SaaS) payment mechanisms, which allow businesses to use the software for a fraction of the price of a traditional WMS.

5. Cloud Advantages for E-Commerce and Omnichannel :

The adoption of a cloud-based WMS is beneficial for e-commerce and omnichannel. Customers are affected by any disruption to a non-permit solution, whether it is for updates or to correct a fault because e-commerce and omnichannel operate around the clock. Furthermore, a cloud-based WMS enables large-scale product selection and variety to suit omnichannel and e-commerce demands.

Logix-WMS got all these covered :

Inventory control is simplified throughout the distribution centre thanks to the warehouse management system. As a result, the company’s warehouse management process can boost operational efficiency and cash flow. LogixWMS, cloud-based Warehouse Management System solution has supported services through inventory management, accounting process automation, and overall warehouse management enhancement through products and services. Logix WMS can easily manage multiple warehouses, organise your sales and transfer orders, provide real-time data about your inventory, and give you accurate reports.

5 Ways To Simplify Your Logistics Operations With 3PL Software

Handle 3PL Operation

As a third-party logistics company, you’re the glue that allows your customer’s orders to become on-time deliveries. More than that, you’re providing storage and inventory reports and insights, providing order updates and dispatch tracking, often with cross-docking, on-forwarding and more. This is why you need to know your 3PL logistics management system can keep things running smoothly.

With an integrated WMS/TMS 3PL logistics management system, you can automate data input, improve picking efficiency, optimise driver routes, and more. From quick and easy customer sales data entry to more effective and accurate operations to giving up-to-date customer inventory reports at a moment’s notice, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s how your 3PL warehouse and transportation system should be optimising operations at every turn, increasing efficiency and allowing you to simplify operations :

1. Invoices will no longer be a hassle :

You can invoice faster and get paid faster with LogixPlatform. Your customers’ sales orders are automatically entered into your 3PL WMS using data from their preferred sales system (e.g. Shopify), accounting software, or email attachments. You may link sales orders and consignments to generate a single invoice, which is then instantly recorded and delivered to your customer, thanks to automated rates in both WMS and TMS.

Instead of printing invoices and spreading them over pallets and freight on the dock, have your customers email invoices straight to LogixPlatform, which will read the invoice and match it to the consignment in the system. This means you can assign online and then print (the invoices will print in drop-order by default because we’re in the business of making your life easier).

2. Workflows that are adaptable to your company’s needs :

Make it your own. Streamline your warehouse operations with flexible processes that allow you and your team to pick and pack goods as quickly as possible. You can choose from three different wave picking workflows: picking for orders, picking for customers, and picking for products, allowing you to maximise the productivity of your picking workforce while conserving time and resources.

You can use stock selection to determine to pick based on inventory parameters such as First In First Out (FIFO) or First Expired First Out (FEFO), allowing you to plan for warehouse storage and location based on incoming orders and inventory requirements.

3. Improve delivery efficiency by optimising transportation :

You can take transportation and dispatch to a new level using LogixPlatform. TMS features and Mobile app. Set up rules to automate work sorting and optimise delivery routes to increase driver productivity on the road. Ensure that all paperwork and delivery data are documented using electronic Proof of Delivery (ePODs), and if necessary, allow drivers to add comments and images to their ePOD. Streamline deliveries using driver ETA text messages, which allow drivers to notify clients ahead of time about their upcoming delivery so they can prepare.

4. WMS and TMS operations are seamlessly linked :

With a single login, you may access all of the features of a specialised TMS and WMS system. The benefits of a linked WMS/TMS don’t stop there! We would integrate sales orders from warehouse to transportation, with automatic rate calculations so you can issue a single invoice per client — but the advantages of a linked WMS/TMS don’t end there!

You may save time on customer data input/updates by streamlining your data between WMS and TMS. Simply enter your client details into the system once, and they will apply to both! From warehouse to delivery, intelligent Unit of Measure mapping means you only have to enter products once, and exact rates are automatically transferred between systems. Needless to say, you can access all of your data and information from a single login that connects you to both systems.

5. By doing nothing, you can provide greater customer service :

Finally, in order to deliver excellent customer service, your 3PL warehouse/transport management system must be operational. The best part is that you can improve your customer service by using LogixPlatform to provide real-time inventory reports, stock movement, thorough invoicing, ePODs, and more… all without having to do anything.

Your customers may go into LogixPlatform at any time and monitor their inventory data, order fulfilment progress, and more through their LogixPlatform client dashboard. The advantage of a cloud-based solution is that your data is always up to date.

Choose LogixPlatform: The best 3PL Software

LogixPlatform is the most popular platform for 3PL businesses to streamline their operations and satisfy ecommerce demand. Here are some reasons why you should use LogixPlatform to run your 3PL business :

  • Dashboard for customers : From their browser, your customers can access their own dashboard, order view, inventory view, and reports. The user interface is customisable and may be altered to match your branding.
  • Visibility of Inventory : Give your customers real-time inventory information, low-stock alerts, and the option to place purchase orders at any moment.
  • Software for order management : Any order’s status can be quickly found, modified, or viewed by your customers’ support team. Your customers can simply anticipate any complications with their orders with LogixPlatform, ensuring that their consumers are satisfied.
  • It’s simple to automate : Create rules that define how orders are prioritised, managed, packaged, and sent based on any number of circumstances.

Get in touch with our experts to schedule a free demo and witness our product in action!

Top 5 Last-Mile Delivery Trends To Follow In 2022

Last Mile Delivery

From greater reliance on online purchasing to a predilection for collection locations as a delivery model of choice, the internet has transformed consumer behaviour in ways we could never have imagined. Customers’ feeling of immediacy, on the other hand, remains unchanged.

E-commerce companies are putting a lot of attention on improving last-mile logistics these days. Consumers may now simply choose where they want to order from thanks to the numerous e-commerce possibilities accessible on the market. This emphasises the importance for merchants to set themselves apart from their competition by offering the finest possible delivery experience.

What is the definition of a last-mile delivery?

The transfer of goods from a warehouse to the consumer is referred to as last-mile delivery. All stakeholders, dispatchers, and customers involved in the delivery process should have a positive experience with last-mile delivery. Businesses must be aware of ever-emerging industry trends to ensure that this service is the best it can be.

Here are the top 5 last-mile delivery trends that you should look out for in 2022 :

1. Rapid Last-Mile Fulfilment :

Gone are the days when receiving online purchases in one or two weeks was acceptable. Consumers have stated that they will only shop if fast shipping is offered, with 68 per cent stating that they will only shop if fast shipping is available. Furthermore, even with free shipping, 90% of customers anticipated receiving their packages within a week.

With its same-day shipping, larger merchants like Amazon and Walmart have upped the bar on consumer expectations. As a result, businesses must enhance their order fulfilment processes in order to satisfy increased demand.

2. Urban Warehousing :

E-commerce companies will need to start creating warehouses and hubs closer to cities as customers expect same-day deliveries. It’s become critical to leverage urban warehouse space to gain immediate access to products for quick client deliveries. This not only cuts down on transit time but also makes it easier to find delivery agents and labourers.

With fewer consumers visiting physical stores, more retailers are turning them into micro-fulfilment centres and delivering purchases directly from them. According to a WSJ article, Amazon is in talks with mall owners such as Sears and J.C. Penney about converting their stores into fulfilment hubs.

3. Insourcing Delivery :

Last-mile logistics is perhaps the most expensive part of the supply chain, accounting for 53% of total shipping costs. Some merchants have chosen to handle final mile logistics in-house or collaborate with competitors in the region to share delivery fleets in order to cut expenses.

Given the fact that e-commerce is here to remain, online retailers like and Temple & Webster have begun to contemplate outsourcing fulfilment. Investing in in-house fulfilment is starting to make more sense as retailers attempt to grow up, although retailers have typically outsourced logistics to have greater flexibility when demand varies.

4. Drones and self-driving delivery vehicles :

Several stores are considering using drones, robots, self-driving vehicles, and autonomous delivery bots to experiment with robotic deliveries. Amazon just invested over $500 million in Aurora, an autonomous technology company. Alphabet tested Wing delivery drones to deliver components to ships off the coast in 2019.

For last-mile deliveries, a few organisations are seeking delivery bot solutions, while others are embracing autonomous robot delivery providers. However, before they can be used, new-age delivery methods will need to be approved by local governments and subjected to restrictions.

5. Crowdsourcing Last-mile delivery :

While we may be more familiar with crowdsourced logistics in supermarket or meal deliveries, more retailers are incorporating crowdsourced last-mile delivery into their supply chains to expand their reach and cut costs.

Even the big players are getting in on the act; Amazon, for example, uses crowdsourced logistics through Amazon Flex, a programme that allows the retailer to expand its reach by partnering with car owners. In a sense, crowdsourced delivery not only makes it easier for merchants to fulfil orders, but also gives them better visibility into the entire delivery process.

How does the Logix Platform help you manage your last-mile delivery Operations?

Logix Platform is an advanced Cloud-based logistics software solution that allows you to manage your last-mile delivery process very effectively in a single platform. If you’re handling last-mile delivery then you will get access to a mobile app “Matrix” for assigning the deliveries and getting the delivery updates.

Top 5 Strategies to Improve Your Reverse Logistics Process

Reverse Logistics Process

The process of planning and controlling the flow of goods from the end consumer back to the point of origin – usually the retailer or the original manufacturer – is known as reverse logistics. Today’s shippers must have a well-thought-out, well-implemented method for handling the reverse flow of goods.

Reverse logistics is a difficult issue for many businesses. After all, most supply chains are designed to get products out the door, not back in. Online ordering has been simplified to a one-click operation. E-commerce as a whole has been created with the user in mind, with most firms relying on an order-management system to handle the heavy lifting.

When a company waits too long to issue a refund after a return, it can undermine its relationships with both the customer and the supplier. The way it handles returns can make or ruin a company’s reputation. Returns have a detrimental impact on a company’s reputation, but when handled properly, they can strengthen the company’s image and encourage consumer loyalty. The way a business treats customers during the return process might be a competitive difference. If you perform well in this area, you’ll see a difference in your bottom line.

Here are five techniques for implementing a successful reverse logistics strategy:

1. Understand why returns occur in the first place :

Given the high cost of returns, retailers must make a concerted effort to identify the fundamental problem. That way, they’ll be able to tell if the present return policy is contributing to a high volume of costly returns.

Understanding the customer journey is an excellent method to figure out what’s causing the returns. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes to see what motivates them to return things regularly. In addition, you can spot patterns that could lead to policy changes or product information is clarified.

2. Put in place transparent monitoring mechanisms :

Many companies keep a close eye on their items throughout the sales process. However, they are not always aware of how the product is handled on its route back to them or a manufacturer when it is returned.

Companies can identify areas for improvement and influence overall product quality by gaining visibility into the reverse supply chain. This kind of tracking contributes to omnichannel inventory management. Tracking all aspects of reverse logistics can help determine whether a product requires sophisticated repairs or more parts, for example. Close monitoring can enable a store to decide whether to invest in a less expensive replacement part, stop stocking the product, put it on a drop-shipping list, or scrap it entirely.

3. Make a clear statement about your return policy :

It’s time to focus on making returns simple for your consumers after you’ve implemented these reverse logistics tactics in your warehouse. This begins with explicitly declaring your return policy so that potential purchasers are aware of what to expect. Many shoppers will research a company’s return policies before purchasing an item in retail, particularly online retail. You want to reassure customers that their returns will be processed promptly and paid to their accounts. Customers will understand the returns procedure better if you show them how it works using a step-by-step demonstration or guide. This will reduce delays and increase the chances of returned items arriving in good condition.

4. Return labels should be included with your shipments :

Another step you can do to make returns easier for your customers is to include return labels with each shipment. If you have the resources, make your labels “scan-based labels,” also known as “pay on use labels,” to impress customers. Return shipment can be costly, but the goodwill you earn by enhancing the customer experience will almost certainly pay for itself. If you’re concerned about the additional expenditures, try out paid return labels as a pilot programme for a set amount of time, then conduct a cost-benefit analysis to see if they’re right for your business.

5. Invest in long-lasting packaging and make sure shipments are simple to open :

If you want customers to send returns back in the original boxes or envelopes, be sure the materials can withstand a two-way journey. Cheap packaging materials, or containers that are difficult to open, are more likely to be broken, which means your goods are more likely to be harmed during the return trip. After all, few things irritate a consumer more than having to purchase their packaging to return an item they no longer want.

Are you looking for a return management system to manage your eCommerce returns?

With Logix Ecom, an advanced eCommerce fulfilment system helps you to manage your eCommerce returns with guided workflows for receiving, inspecting, and grading product returns.

Leveraging Augmented Reality For Warehouse Management

Warehouse management

Warehousing is one of the most significant aspects of the supply chain. It is a place where commodities are stored for business purposes. Fast and flawless warehouse operations are more vital than ever in today’s competitive corporate environments. To provide a great client experience, materials should not only be well-handled but also shipped at the appropriate time. Logistics firms around the world are investing in innovative technologies and solutions to optimize warehouse processes and boost supply chain efficiency to stay ahead of the curve, and none of them show more promise than augmented reality (AR).

AR technology combines computer-generated assets with real-world warehousing, giving employees useful insights into how to save money and improve supply chain processes. Companies can ensure fast, accurate, and optimal inventory, order picking, and material handling processes by incorporating AR into a warehouse management system.

Logixgrid has been providing Warehouse Management Software to help businesses enhance the physical world with critical digital information for more than a decade. with a leading cloud-based Warehouse Management System, you can record inventories accurately, efficiently, and grow your business faster along with customer satisfaction.

Following are some of the advantages that managers can expect from using augmented reality (AR) in their strategies:

1. AR’s Contribution to Warehouse Management :

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a collection of processes and software that is used to manage and control warehouse operations, such as picking and inventory management. Warehouse management systems can also differ significantly from one organization to the next. Some companies utilize a standalone warehouse management system, while others integrate their WMS into a larger enterprise resource planning system (ERP). Regardless of their complexities or powers, every WMS has the same goal: to improve the efficiency of your warehouse operations.

Warehouse management is aided by augmented reality, which improves the speed and accuracy of various data capturing operations. Warehouse managers and personnel can simply discover and track products and deliveries using smart device-based barcode scanning systems with AR technology, simplifying and improving processes in the process. Backorders and errors are reduced as a result of more effective WMS operations, leading to improved customer satisfaction. Let’s look at a few key WMS procedures that the Logix platform can support to give you a better idea of how your organization may leverage this fascinating technology to improve its warehouse efforts.

2. Order Picking with Augmented Reality :

Order picking is another significant and costly process in a warehouse. Order picking is the process of extracting the proper product as ordered by clients at the right time and in the right amounts. Customers want all products and services to be supplied faster in today’s technology-driven world. As a result, logistics firms are constantly under pressure to streamline the order picking process at the lowest possible cost to protect their revenue streams. Order picking used to be a time-consuming and difficult operation in which employees went through the warehouse looking for items that met the customer’s needs. This manual procedure was labor-intensive and prone to errors. Then came the popularity of barcode scanners. Workers had to scan barcodes one at a time to identify the item using this method, which was not only ineffective but also time-consuming.

Augmented reality aids warehouse management by speeding up and improving the accuracy of various data capture processes. Warehouse managers and staff can use smart device-based barcode scanning solutions with AR technology to easily locate and track products and parcels, simplifying and improving workflows. More efficient WMS operations also help to reduce backorders and errors, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. To give you a better idea of how your team can use this exciting technology to improve its warehouse efforts, let’s look at a few key WMS processes that AR can help with.

3. Inventory management with Augmented Reality :

Inventory management is one of the most important and difficult areas of warehouse management. Inventory checking is one of the most mind-numbing procedures in the inventory management process. Employees used to have to physically race around the warehouse to manually check whether merchandise needed to be replenished, was ready to ship, or was in good shape. Traditional stocktaking systems relied on paper and, more significantly, were time-consuming. Furthermore, personnel has to undergo costly training to achieve the necessary work outputs.

Many major logistics organizations invest in specialist barcode scanning devices since manual inventory management solutions are too slow and prone to errors for large enterprises. While these technologies improve stocktaking operations and reduce errors, they have limited flexibility and result in significant hardware expenses in the long run. Fortunately, your company’s stocktaking procedures can be optimized with smart-device-based barcode scanning solutions that include AR.

Logix WMS software can be quickly implemented across your workforce via smart devices, providing warehouse workers with a flexible and simple scanning solution. Your staff can process numerous barcodes at once, making inventory control and stocktaking more efficient and accurate. Our Warehouse Management Solution can reduce expenses and increase supply chain efficiency.

Choose the best Warehouse Management Solution with Logixgrid :

Are you ready to learn more about how the Logix platform may help your company improvise its internal business operations? Book a demo with us right now. Our staff has the knowledge and experience to assist you to understand how AR can help you enhance warehouse management procedures and discover the perfect solution for your specific requirements. You can also get in touch with us to learn more about augmented reality and how it might help you improve your logistics operations.

How to manage your orders and inventory of your eCommerce stores?

With eComGlobus, get access to a dynamic, easily configurable, and cloud-based WMS that connects your picking, packing, and shipping processes with your entire eCommerce operations.

Top 4 Ways To Improve Your eCommerce Order Fulfillment Process

Ecommerce order Fulfillment

Your eCommerce order fulfillment process plays a pivotal role in the success of your online business. It affects both the customer experience and the effectiveness of your operations. as e-commerce continues to grow and have an outsized influence on seasonal shopping periods, it’s more important than ever that retailers continue to improve their e-commerce order fulfillment. However, by creating an excellent post-purchase experience for your audience, you can quickly turn order fulfillment from a cost center into a revenue driver for your company.

In this blog post, we will talk about the top 5 ways to improve your order fulfillment so that you can boost the efficiency of your eCommerce business and streamline your customer experience.

1. Classify your inventory :

To improve your eCommerce order fulfillment process, you need to work on classifying your inventory. One of the most common ways to organize your products is putting stock together based on how fast it moves. It enables you to maintain sufficient stock levels of fast-moving items. Grouped items can be placed in warehouses so fast-movers are identified in a particular area while the slow-movers can be found within a different section. Classifying your inventory in this manner ensures that appropriate stock levels are maintained for each product category and that you also don’t run out of stock.

2. Maintain an attractive returns policy :

Your eCommerce returns policy is an essential part of your order fulfillment process. You need to have an effective returns policy in place so that you can process returned orders and issue refunds when needed. A returns policy also has a big impact on whether or not a customer completes a purchase with your business.

3. Automate your order processes :

Integrating and automating your order management enables orders to be generated automatically, invoices pre-pared to send when shipping and reminders to follow up with customers to ensure satisfaction and repeat sales. And that’s not all. Automation also decreases your operational costs and greatly reduces the risk of human error at the same time as creating sales opportunities. With an inventory and order management system in place, you will benefit from more visibility of your business processes as a whole. You can then analyze each of these and identify ways to speed each one up.

4. Understand your order fulfillment cycle time :

One of the first things to do when it comes to improving your eCommerce order fulfillment process is to work out your order fulfillment cycle time. Total order fulfillment cycle time= Source time + Production time + Delivery time.

Source Time : When the customer makes an order online to your business accepting that it has the correct raw materials available to start the order.

Production Time : The time when it takes to manufacture, finish and pack the order.

Delivery Time : The time frame between shipping the order from your warehouse to its arrival at your customer’s specified delivery location. Once you understand your order fulfillment cycle time, you can start to identify areas for improvement, such as increasing efficiency through automation or similar.

Are you looking for an eCommerce fulfillment system to manage your inventory and order fulfillment?

Logix eCommerce fulfillment system manages the entire eCommerce order fulfillment process by offering full visibility and control over your inventory & billing from integrations to fulfillment to shipping and returns.

If you have your own Shopify store and are looking for an eCommerce fulfillment platform to manage your eCommerce logistics operations then eComglobus is the best platform for you. eComglobus is an All-in-One eCommerce fulfillment platform that offers advanced eCommerce logistics features which will support you to manage your warehouse operations, fulfillment, procurements, last-mile delivery, return and refund management in a single platform.

Top 5 Logistics Industry Trends To Follow For 2022

Logistics Industry Trends for 2022

The logistics industry has always been one of the most critical industries in any country. Logistics companies have been facing several challenges in recent years, from new regulations to changing customer demands and more. With an increasingly globalized economy, there has been a rise in demand for logistic services to facilitate trade and yield a competitive advantage. As more companies join this dynamic sector, it becomes increasingly important to stay ahead of trends and innovations shaping the future of logistics.

Logistics trends show that by 2022, the industry will undergo significant changes and will have important implications for logistics businesses around the globe. Logistics industry trends are already being set in motion to help shape how we live and work for generations to come. Knowing the industry trends is very important for a logistics and supply chain career path, here presenting the top 5 logistics trends which you should follow to improve your logistics business operations in 2022.

1. 3D Printing to make Products On-Demand :

3D printing is a new trend in the logistics industry. With 3D printing, companies can change their business model to do just-in-time production instead of mass production. This allows for more customization and less work wasted on products that may not be ordered or wanted by customers. In addition, manufacturers can produce parts that are tailored for each customer’s needs. This will further reduce waste and increase efficiency in manufacturing processes.

3D printers are being used at every stage of the supply chain process. They can be found in warehouses where they are producing mock-ups or replacements on demand. Their use is also spreading into distribution centers where orders are assembled before shipping out to customers around the globe via air freight or ocean vessel.

2. Artificial Intelligence Applications :

AI has many applications in the freight management sector. With AI, managing fleets is efficient by using data analytics software. It can help optimize routes based on weather or traffic patterns. This type of software will give you an edge over your competitors because it will allow you to plan more efficiently for changes in demand and supply.

It also helps to make more accurate predictions about the status of a vehicle, which can help with fuel allocation and scheduling maintenance. AI is already being used in the freight management sector, but it still has room to grow as an industry. With continued innovation and development, AI will become an essential part of managing any fleet.

3. Adoption of Cloud-Based Systems :

Cloud-based systems are becoming more and more popular in the logistics industry. Businesses in logistics can find significant benefits by adopting this new technology to optimize their business processes. The benefits of cloud computing include easy scalability, increased reliability, reduced costs. The other benefits also include less hardware maintenance and improved security through data encryption.

Cloud-based systems are becoming more and more popular in the logistics industry. These new technologies can help shippers reduce their operating costs, increase efficiency, and improve back-office operations. Because of this increased popularity, cloud computing is expected to grow significantly over the next five years.

4. Last-Mile Delivery :

The trend of businesses moving towards last-mile delivery is on the rise. Many entrepreneurs are shifting their focus on delivering goods locally to provide customers with a more personalized experience. This has also affected the logistics industry, seeing how this shift will affect their future business models and methods.

Last-mile delivery is a term used to describe the last leg of delivering goods from warehouses and distribution centers to the end customer. The trend for last-mile deliveries increased during recent years because it has become cheaper and more convenient than using couriers such as DHL, UPS or FedEx.

5. Blockchain Technology Integration :

Blockchain technology is a relatively new concept in the logistics industry. It is a decentralized ledger that records all transactions and allows participants to work without going through a third party. The potential of this technology lies in its ability to reduce fraud by making it nearly impossible for someone to alter data without being detected.

By leveraging blockchain technology for supply chain management, organizations can improve visibility into their inventory levels. This can be done by providing timely updates on when products are shipped or delivered to customers. This transparency enables companies to deliver real-time notifications about when products will be available again after being sold out.

Blockchain technology offers new solutions that could make logistics operations more efficient, secure, and transparent than ever before. Blockchain’s potential uses include tracing food items or monitoring cargo shipments. Blockchain technology has the potential to manage global trade documentation and facilitate customs clearance.

Conclusion :

The future trend in logistics is the future of your business. The right strategy can help you thrive, while the wrong one will leave you behind.

To improve your Logistics business operations, presenting Logix Platform an All-in-One Cloud-based Logistics Software Solution that helps you overcome all your logistics challenges with logistics mobile apps and API Integrations to manage your logistics business operations smoothly. LogixPlatform has been able to manage logistics, e-commerce, first-mile pickup & last-mile delivery along with supply chain business across the globe.

Top 5 Warehouse Management Trends For 2022

Warehouse management

As we approach the year 2022, it is time to gear up with new business ideas and strategies that can enhance your warehousing business productivity and efficiency. While we all know how important role warehouse management plays in the supply chain of any eCommerce business, sellers often overlook staying up-to-date with the latest warehousing trends that can help them stay ahead of the game.

Implementing technology into warehouse management is going to be the most cost-effective and quickest way to increase the efficiency of your warehouse management operations. As we progress into 2022, warehouse management technologies are likely to grow by leaps and bounds.

Here presenting some of the top warehouse management trends for 2022 that are going to rule in the next year:

1. Cloud Computing :

Cloud computing has brought transformative changes to the manufacturing industry, especially when it comes to warehouse management. Adopting cloud services enabled small-scale manufacturers, retailers, and eCommerce companies to streamline their warehouse operations and drive significant cost savings. Besides, cloud-based warehouse management software development eliminates the need for maintaining complex hardware/software infrastructure, thereby keeping overhead costs to a bare minimum. In 2022, we are going to witness a widespread adoption of cloud ERP across industries for warehouse and inventory management processes. According to Statistica, the global spend on cloud computing is expected to grow from $332 billion in 2021 to $397 billion in 2022.

2. Internet of Things (IoT) :

The internet of things has gained significant traction worldwide and is quickly moving towards mainstream acceptance. Over recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the number of connected devices in all aspects of our day-to-day lives. The manufacturing industry represents a large proportion of the global IoT spend. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is an apt example of IoT in warehouse management. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), the global investment in IoT for warehouse management is expected to grow by up to 11.3 percent (CAGR).

3. Proficient Last-mile Deliveries :

Thanks to eCommerce, there is a growing need for last-mile deliveries occupying a critical position. eCommerce sales and demand for quick delivery continue to increase every year. In 2019 alone, global e-commerce sales grew nearly 21.5 percent, according to statista. In 2022, more and more business owners will be looking to provide an Amazon-Esque shopping experience to customers by working out logistics in a way that would offer same-day delivery. This kind of demand from customers will automatically increase the need for modern last-mile facilities in order to deliver easily and frequently.

4. Supply Chain 4.0 :

The advent of the fourth industrial revolution significantly improved the way we manage supply chain operations by implementing next-gen technologies like AI, IoT, blockchain, and cloud computing. As a result, it rendered complete transparency and connectivity across different SCM activities, enabling enterprises to track shipments and automate workflows. In the coming year, supply chain 4.0 is going to make steady inroads into mainstream businesses.

5. 3PL and 4PL Logistics :

We have already witnessed tremendous growth in third-party logistics across the manufacturing and supply chain industries. As of today, 3PL is one of the most extensively used logistics models across the globe. However, many small-scale enterprises continue to rely on 2PL logistics to this day. In 2022, we are going to see widespread adoption of 3PL logistics as new enterprises build trust in third-party logistics service providers. At the same time, 4PL logistics is likely to gain traction worldwide as more businesses invest in automating their entire supply chain.

Conclusion :

Warehouse management software development has come a long way with numerous technological advancements, making operations more streamlined than ever before. It is only an indication of the groundbreaking inventions that are yet to come. As time goes by, we shall see drones and robots continuing to replace humans, in return, offering more agile and streamlined workflows. Soon, we shall see machines and software algorithms collectively handling more complex warehouse operations such as storage, procurement, shipping, and more.

Logix Platform offers a complete warehouse management system as Logix WMS. It comes up with Multi-warehouse inventory management which ensures that data from all your warehouse & ordering systems are synchronized and updated in real-time.

Benefits with Logix WMS :

  • Get access to cloud-based WMS
  • Manage your multiple warehouses centrally
  • Complete tracking of inventories
  • Portal access for your customers
  • Generate barcode and scanning
  • Multiple carrier label printing
  • Pre-integrated accounting system
  • Multiple inventory reports

To book an online demo with logix Platform, click here :